Category: Fossil Fuels

  • Fossil-Fuel Gasoline Should be Banned in Cambodia

    In the last several centuries the world has been significantly changing due to the technologies and energies, opening an eras face with high living standard. Of course, energies play a huge role in varying the world, likewise fossil-fuel gasoline, it has been utilized for thousands of years in daily life and industries. However, this kind…

  • Fossil Fuels Formation and Processing

    Fossil fuel derivatives are produced using plant and animal deposits. These sources are found in the earths deep layer and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be singed for energy (Strand, 2007). Coal is a solid raw material that is formed for an extended period by the rot of land vegetation. When layers are compacted…

  • Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy

    Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and the level of air pollution is…

  • Fossil Fuels and the United States

    There are several environmental effects associated with non-renewable mineral resources, and all of them are of a harmful nature. These are water, air, and soil pollution, radioactive and solid wastes (Miller and Spoolman 309). Moreover, the use of non-renewable minerals generates noise and heat (Miller and Spoolman 309). All this leads to safety and health…

  • Essay on Future Without Fossil Fuels

    Fossil fuels have served as the primary source of energy for the past century, helping man to achieve a previously unprecedented level of development. This source of energy has been harnessed to power industries and fuel transportation means therefore helping in the growth of the modern civilization. However, the ability of fossil fuels to continue…

  • Environmental Effects of the Fossil Fuel Industry

    The Earth. It is a home to thousands if not millions of different species of all kinds of organisms that live in various types of environments. This Earth responds to change very readily, so what happens when one Industry interrupts the Earths environments and starts to use/produce materials that deteriorate said Earth? Change. Devastation. These…

  • Effect of Cars Burning Fossil Fuel

    The world has changed into a whole new level of inventions ever since mankind had discovered what the burning of fossil fuel can do. Skipping through a whole lot of inventions, the automobile was and still is one of the greatest one that is currently used today with the burning of fossil fuel. Not so…

  • Oil and Gas Industry Response to Global Warming

    How should the oil and gas industry respond to global warming? Global warming is a contemporary serious threat to our planet for the combustion of oil, coal, and natural gas contributes in changing the atmospheric balance of carbon dioxide, and other naturally occurring trace gases as well as chemicals created by various oil and gas…

  • The Cost of Fossil Fuels to the Society in 2015

    The fossil fuels nowadays are the primary sources of energy for industrial, agricultural and community needs. More than 80% of the energy in the world comes from the fossil fuels (Cherian 36). Among them are natural gas, oil, coal and in some cases wood. They are very convenient because they produce enormous amounts of energy…

  • Disobedience – Rise of The Global Fossil Fuel Resistance

    DISOBEDIENCE is a movie about the upward jab of the fossil gas resistance. The film tells the story of activists on the the front lines of the global climate crisis, led by way of everyday humans who are fed up with the power and pollution of the fossil gas industry.The movie used to be launched…