Category: Gambling Addiction

  • Essay on Gambling

    Introduction In this day in age, where faster is better, many people find that gaining certain things like money should not take forever. There are apps like HQ that give you money for playing games or doing surveys and there are new businesses that make a profit from inventing items that do simple tasks like…

  • Causes and Effects of Gambling Addiction

    Addiction has certain defining features  persistent engagement in a trait despite negative repercussions, reduced self-control over this engagement, a compulsion to engage in the behavior, and a strong craving for the activity (Yau & Potenza, 2015). For a long time, the term addiction has been linked to excessive drinking of alcohol or substance use…

  • Ethical Problems of Gambling: Critical Essay

    Introduction Game addiction is an ongoing issue that has been recognized by the World Health Organisation, officially deemed under the name, Gaming disorder. Addiction can be defined as a pattern of gaming behavior characterized by impaired control over gaming (World Health Organisation, 2019). Each new game release brings more evidence to the fact that video…

  • Persuasive Speech about Gambling

    As the video game landscape continues to evolve, increasing in size and scope, so too do its production costs. So the implantation of in-game purchasable goods was inevitable, of course, but as time goes on, these predatory tactics are harder to spot. So what exactly differentiates a small purchase of random chance from a gambling…

  • Views of Angie Bachmann on Gambling’: Critical Essay

    Where does the thin line get drawn between a troublesome habit and the manifestation of an addiction? Perhaps theres no line at all. Distinguishing the difference between the two is difficult already since they both grow out of consistently repeated behaviors. Regardless of the extent of a persons habit or addiction, should always be held…

  • Chicken Fight Cause and Effect Essay

    Introduction Chicken fighting, also known as cockfighting, is a brutal bloodsport that involves two roosters being pitted against each other in a fight to the death. This practice, although illegal in many countries, continues to persist in certain regions. This essay aims to explore the causes and effects of the chicken fight phenomenon. By analyzing…

  • Gaming Addiction Between Adolescents

    The games that adolescents and young people used to play in the play grounds and on the streets have been replaced in recent years with cyber games played in front of the computer on the internet or in game arcades. This changing culture has particularly brought up the concept of digital game addiction, a condition…