Category: Globalization

  • Globalization: Impact on Modern Society

    Globalization contributes to establishing relationships between individuals, independent social objects, and phenomena, embracing all spheres of peoples lives. Some people consider globalization a threat to national cultures. Others believe that free trade between states implies prosperity and economic growth of all nations and businesses. That is why it is difficult to determine precisely whether the…

  • Globalization and Geographic Information System

    Globalization is the process by which the globe becomes increasingly interconnected due to the exchange of commodities and services, information, knowledge, and cultural values. Its profound effect can be assessed both positively and negatively. On the one hand, human rights are violated due to globalization. Because of globalization, farmers earn less money and so more…

  • Regional Integration Inconsistency with Globalization

    Abstract With the term of Globalization being in vogue and regional integration agreements being signed across the globe, the coalition of the concepts has been questioned. On one hand, the two concepts are considered as facilitators of each other while on the other hand, the thinkers like Kudo Akira believe that the two ideas are…

  • The Globalization of Markets by Theodore Levitt

    Table of Contents Introduction Culture Market Entry Strategy Product Standardization Communication Pricing Standardization and Differentiation Reference List Introduction The modern economy is characterized by increased economic and cultural integration, which has promoted international relations as well as international trade. This has been heavily facilitated by globalization. In general terms, globalization refers to global integration of…

  • Globalization by Peter Temin: Article Analysis

    The current essay is a report on the given article Globalization, written by Peter Temin and published in Oxford Review of Economic Policy in 1999. The present work aims to discuss a set of actions performed by the author to address the topic. Concerning the outline of the paper, it will be divided into several…

  • Issues in the International Politics: Globalization

    Table of Contents Introduction Globalization as an Important Issue in the International Politics Solutions to Globalization The Influence of Globalization on International Politics Conclusion References Introduction The notion of globalization is related to the process of enlarging cross-border transactions and interactions in political, socio-cultural and economic spheres. It describes the denationalization phenomenon which tends to…

  • Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations

    Globalization is the embodiment of industrial, social, and economic revolution that helped overcome negative odds in peoples lives. It is a phenomenon that is treated as a turning point in developing the various aspects human beings were engaged in, as globalization is a real advent of prosperous humankinds evolution. From steam engine development to world…

  • Globalization: Arguments For and Against

    Globalization as a process began several decades ago along with the restructuring of the world, the emergence of new states, and the development of new technologies. This process continues today, and arguments both in support and against this phenomenon are expressed regularly. Such a broad discussion of this event in all states and at all…

  • Wireless Industry and Globalization for US Economy

    Table of Contents Introduction The Wireless Industry American Population Growth Globalization Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Many countries have focused on different ways to help their economies grow. America is one of the nations that have experienced changes in its economy for the past 100 years. Some aspects such as technology, globalization, and population growth have…

  • History of Globalization and World Integration

    Table of Contents Periodizing the History of Globalization Factors to be Considered in Defining Globalization Conclusion References The process of globalization is often viewed as an exclusively modern phenomenon that has arisen due to the development of multinational corporations and technological innovation. However, historians have been considering the periodization of world integration for a long…