Category: God

  • God Grew Tired of Us: Documentary Review



    It was as if the last day, as people say in the Bible, that there will be the last day, that Jesus Christ will come, and whatever on Earth will be judged. That was my imagination. I thought that God felt tired of people on Earth here, felt tired of the bad deeds, the bad…

  • Indian Fire God Painting by Frederic Remington



    Table of Contents Formal Analysis Artist Biography Work Analysis and Interpretation Thematic Elements Conclusion Works Cited The purpose of art is to provoke thoughts and evoke associations in the beholder. Some works attain this objective through the beauty of their images, whereas others rely on different strong emotions. Art has many sources, and, while some…

  • Religious Interpretive Art Project on Gods Omnipresence



    Christ has no body now on earth, but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which Christs compassion looks out at the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours are the hands with which he is to bless us…

  • For the Love of God Sculpture by Damien Hirst



    For the Love of God (Damien Hirst) is a controversial piece of art made of a human skull encrusted with diamonds. This For the Love of God skull is meant to remind us of our mortality and the uselessness of money in the face of death. If you want to learn more about Damien Hirsts…

  • The Contribution Of People, Schools Of Thought And Ethical Teaching To Judaism



    Judaism, as a living religion has grown and developed over time and influences the lives of its adherents through aspects of their principal beliefs and core ethical teachings. This is due to significant people such as Moses Maimonides and core ethical teachings such as sexual ethics, which heavily contribute greatly to making Judaism a living…

  • How Are the Gods Portrayed in the Homeric Poems: Essay



    The use of supernatural machinery is a prominent feature of many epics. Supernatural machinery is a must for an epic and Iliad is not devoid of this. Homer has used the Olympian gods and goddesses who take part in the poem separated into two parts. The most powerful gods and goddesses are equally balanced in…

  • Hinduism Impact on Society



    Indian customs and ordinary life influence Hinduism through meditation practices while Hinduism influences the society with Hindu based festivals, a specific nourishment, art and beliefs. Religion is theology, faith,and worship but religion is also a way of life. It is powerful, persuasive, and more importantly has an image. When you think of a religion an…

  • Why Does God Allow Suffering



    There are so many questions people have when it comes to faith. Questions that even lead people to give up on their faith. One of the most asked questions throughout history is Why does God allow evil and suffering. This is a question that stops people from even following God. There is so much evil…

  • Meditations By Rene Descartes: Arguments For The Existence Of God



    Topic 2: The Meditations dont just prove the existence of God once, but twice. What are these arguments and what is the relationship between them? In what sense is God foundational for the metaphysics Descartes elaborates in his great work? What are some objections to his view? Are they compelling? Your goal in this essay…

  • The Role Of Gods And Muses In Homers Iliad And Odyssey



    Homers epic poem, The Iliad, depicts the prominent conflict between the Achaeans and the Trojans. The Iliad and The Odyssey have become staples in universal literature and the foundation of Greek culture to many. In both works, Homer implicitly celebrates the role he plays as a performer and conduit from the Gods who have their…