Category: Grandmother

  • Lesson I Learned from My Grandmother

    My world shattered completely as I listened to my mom talking through the phone. My grandma, one of the people whom I cherished in this world, was diagnosed with heart disease. After school, I went to the hospital where my grandma is admitted. The smell of alcohol welcomed me as I ran towards my grandmas…

  • Thank You Letter to My Grandmother

    This letter was about my appreciation and gratitude into what my grandma did for me now and when I was a child. I wanted to emphasis the fact that she didnt have to look after me, but she chose to, and I was and still am grateful for that. I wanted to thank her also…

  • Essay about My Grandma and Her Kimchi

    Every Saturday morning, Id awaken to the odor of beaten garlic and piquant pepper. I would stumble into the kitchen to discover my grandma squatting over a large silver bowl, mixing fat lips of clean cabbages with garlic, salt, and crimson pepper. That used to be how the delectable Korean dish, kimchi, was born every…

  • My Grandmother and Her Influence on My Life

    The Merriam Websters dictionary states that a life span is the average length of life of a kind of organism or of a material object, especially in a particular environment or under specified circumstances. It is basically the length of time in which a person or animal lives or a thing functions. The process of…

  • My Grandmother Is My Hero

    The word hero holds significant meaning to me. A hero can be both a role model or a person who takes a bold step that requires braveness. A hero in more classical terms can also be someone who voluntarily puts their life in danger in order to save the life of another. I believe, however,…

  • Essay about My Grandmother: The Most Influential Person of My Entire Life

    My grandma was owed a better life than the one that was handed to her. According to my mom, she was a survivor, a fighter, and the most beautiful women. She radiated class, elegance, and poise. She made my mom feel so loved and cared for. I feel that she is becoming a very, if…

  • Reflection on the Interview with My Grandmother

    Elders are the sincerest form of wisdom. They have lived through hardships and good fortunes. They teach us to look at things in a deeper meaning rather than a superficial one. Interviewing my grandma, who is an immigrant from Vietnam, has changed my ways of how I view certain aspects of aging. Themes that emerged…

  • Personal Narrative: My Lovely Grandma

    People can be compared to seasons, they are born, they bloom, then they ebb away. Like spring, summer, and autumn they cannot stay. My grandmother was due to a much greater life than the one that was given to her. She was a fighter, a survivor, and the most gorgeous person I knew. She emitted…

  • When All Hope Is Lost

    Have you ever questioned yourself about losing a loved one or even death itself? What if one day when you wake up, your loved ones are not by your side? How do you deal with that situation? Does death truly change you for the better or worse? You cannot stop time but death can (Natherma…

  • Essay about My Grandmother

    My grandma was born in the year of 1937. When I went to research what generation that year belongs to, I found the term The Silent Generation. I have not heard of this before. This relatively small generation found itself sandwiched between the war hero G.I.s and the large and influential Baby Boomer generation,.. (Sanburn,…