Category: Guantanamo Bay

  • The Horrific Event at Guantanamo Bay

    The American Psychological Association was formed in 1892 and spread quickly after World War II. The APA is one of the largest scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States. In 2017, the APA (American Psychology Association) settled a case against two psychologists who allegedly utilised the CIAs enhanced interrogation techniques in the…

  • Disastrous Effects of Countries’ Retaliatory Attacks

    Terrorism can be dated back to the 1605 attempted gunpowder plot by Guy Fawks and how he was burned on the stake as a consequence, which is still celebrated to this day. There are many wars which are started due to the consequences of terrorism. An example of this is the war on terrorism in…

  • George Walker Bush’s Radical Decisions Regarding the Islamic World

    The tremendous number of nearly 3,000 victims traumatized the worldwide society in the morning of 11 September 2001. This event led to the instantaneous reactions of significant figures: Nothing that can be said can begin to take away the anguish and the pain of these moments. Grief is the price we pay for love, wrote…

  • Life of David Hicks at Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

    We should time ourselves for length of speech and send to each other to see if we need more/less. I think we will certainly have more than enough although that is good. Introduction: David Hicks is a former Australian criminal who was detained by the United States of Americas military forces after the 9/11 terrorist…

  • Analytical Essay on the Global War on Terror: Case of Guantanamo Bay

    This essay will argue that the global war on terror was unsuccessful, although many commentators would disagree, it is clear that the failures of the war on terror outweigh the successes… The war on terror failed mostly due to the controversial human rights abuses that took place in response to the 9/11 terrorist attack. However,…

  • Visit to Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

    Rob Reiners A Few Good Men follows naval lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee as he defends Lance Corporal Dawson and PFC Downey as they are accused of murdering fellow marine Private Santiago. Kaffee is working with Lt. Commander Jo Galloway and Lt. Sam Weinberg while working against Captain Ross, Lt. Kendrick, and Colonel Jessup. Though he…

  • Obamas Campaign to Shut Down Guantanamo Bay: Discursive Essay

    Despite that, it makes it a lot more difficult to successfully pass necessary bills due to the checks and balances in United States and the weak presidency. Neustadt’s theory implies that the presidents success relies on not only persuading and bargaining with other branches, especially congress but to influence the executive branch itself. it prevents…

  • Omar Khadr at Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

    In Claire Theobalds article, Omar Khadr walks out of Edmonton court a free man, she explains the life of Canadian-born Omar Khadr, and how he finally achieved legal freedom after being infringed of his rights for 13 years. At 15 years old, Omars father sent him to translate in Afghanistan for a group of Islamic…