Category: Health

  • Structuring Successful Interventions in Employee Health Programs

    Since this paper involves a description of RX drug addiction, two approaches will be used to enable addicts change their ways. These approaches are transformational and situational leadership approaches. The transformational leadership approach perceives change on two fronts: personal and societal (Roesner, 1990). Ideally, the outcome of transformational leadership would be the creation of leaders…

  • Health Issues: A National and Global Perspective

    Table of Contents Health Issues Racism in Public Health High Health Care Cost Anti-vaccine Movement References Health Issues Healthcare is an integral part of the global wellbeing equation. Unfortunately, the international health care system is ailing, and one of the severely hit countries is the United States. This paper explores the factors hindering effective healthcare…

  • Health of Population in Philadelphia Community

    Our community is located in Philadelphia, PA, which is one of the largest cities in the U.S., characterized by its multi-ethnic population. Health equity is a serious concern here because ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity leads to the emergence of high-risk groups in terms of obesity and associated conditions. My practice location is the Hospital…

  • Establishing a Mental Health Center for Homeless in Los Angeles

    Introduction Taking care of homeless people can be a complicated issue that is never addressed well enough by the city charity organizations or governmental bodies. Noteworthy, the members of the neighborhood and municipal workers daily put themselves at risk of contracting various diseases and unsanitary conditions when cleaning the areas where the homeless live. Moreover,…

  • Oral Health Program: Funding Examples Discussion

    Table of Contents Introduction Examples of Funding Sources Preferred Funding Source and Justification Conclusion References Introduction Public health programs have to be adequately funded if they are to achieve their objectives and make a positive change to the targeted communities and populations (Rosenbaum, 2015). Based on this elucidation, it is important to look into the…

  • Healthcare Reimbursement in the US

    Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle What Reimbursement Means to a Healthcare Organization The U. S. healthcare system is rather complicated due to the existence of several approaches to paying for the provided care. Private payers (insurers and individuals) as well as the government (through Medicare or Medicaid) pay for the healthcare services to providers (Harrington,…

  • Wearable Medical Devices: How Will They Transform Healthcare?

    Table of Contents Are WMDs the Future? Significance of the Study WMD Plurality (Concepts) How Can This Help Medicine? Implications for the Future Conclusion References Are WMDs the Future? It is difficult to argue that the future of health care is still far away. On the contrary, humanity is already facing incredible scientific and technological…

  • Childrens Functional Health Pattern Assessment

    Childrens Functional Health Pattern Assessment Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP) Toddler Ericksons Developmental Stage: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt  Will (Di Leo, 2014). Preschool-Aged Ericksons Developmental Stage: Initiative versus Guilt  Purpose (Di Leo, 2014). School-Aged Ericksons Developmental Stage: Industry versus Inferiority  Competence (Di Leo, 2014). The pattern of Health Perception and Health…

  • Tuberculosis, Health Determinants and Nurses Role

    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that affects the lungs and that is caused by a strain of bacterium knows as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primarily, it affects the lungs even though it can spread to other parts of the body including the brain, lungs, and the liver. There are two types of TB namely, latent and…

  • Effective Communication in Health Care

    Table of Contents Introduction Effective Communication in the Healthcare Procedure Patient Engagement Conclusion Annotated Bibliography Introduction Effective communication between patients and care providers is a very important element of good medical practice. It does not only revolve around the patient and physician, but extends to other persons included in the health care system such patient…