Category: Health & Medicine 13691

  • A Brief History of Twin Studies Article Analysis

    The scientific article A Brief History of Twin Studies (2016) compiles the most interesting research on twins. First, the article describes how the phenomenon of eugenic studies occurred. Initially, eugenics is the science of improving the human race. The founder of eugenics is the English scientist Francis Galton who lived in the nineteenth century. Using…

  • Causes, Symptoms and Advised Treatment of Endometriosis

    Endometriosis is a severe condition that affects the reproductive system of a woman. It is a chronic inflammatory disease when the endometrium is located outside the uterus. The endometrium is a tissue that lines the inside of the womb (Symons et al., 2018). Parasar, Ozcan, and Terry (2017) explain the development process of endometriotic lesions.…

  • Advanced Practice Nurse Regulations in Vermont and New Jersey

    For a full-fledged work in the framework of advanced nursing practice, a thorough study of the characteristics of work in this specialty is necessary. As with many other medical fields, getting an APN job comes with several complexities. It is essential to study the minimum requirements for the assignment of this status, what is necessary…

  • Cystic Fibrosis and Malnutrition in Children

    Table of Contents Abstract Methods Results Discussion References Abstract Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a gene mutation that aims to impact the digestive and respiratory systems. It is a multisystem syndrome that damages mainly the lungs, but other organs such as the intestine, pancreas, and liver can also impact. The disorder of the disorder can be…

  • Features of Treatment for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

    Deaf and hard of hearing people are a particular group of the population that requires a unique approach, in particular, in nursing practice. The leading channel of perception of these people is the visual analyzer. As a result, they cannot or find it difficult to perceive spoken language. When trying to talk, speech deformation is…

  • Aspects of Medicare Coverage

    Medicare, as a government health insurance program, is an essential part of the national healthcare system and focuses on supporting older adults and disabled younger citizens. This program includes several parts, and each of them addresses specific aspects of health services. Under Medicare, Part A focuses on inpatient coverage, B  outpatient coverage, C …

  • Informatics Reinforcing Wisdom in Long-Term Care Facilities

    The enhancement of the management of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom continuum (DIKW) is the core purpose of nursing informatics. The nurses work in long-term care facilities incorporates a number of duties and requires proficient skills and knowledge. The research question of the current essay is dedicated to the issue of informatics as a method…

  • Alternative Medicine vs. Modern Medicine

    In recent years, there have been a considerable number of discussions around the topic of alternative medicine. Millions of people claim that humanity should get back to traditional treatment methods as they are a more effective way of fighting illnesses. However, other individuals are sure that nothing can be compared to modern medicine that has…

  • The Critical Appraisal of the Article

    Table of Contents Introduction Critical appraisal Relevance of the study Validity of the study Results of the study Strengths and limitations of the study Recommendations Conclusion Reference List Introduction Critical appraisal is an important factor to determine the relevance, validity, and transparency of the research. This paper presents the critical appraisal of the article Light…

  • The Problem of Inadequate Nurse Staffing: PICOT Statement

    Table of Contents Population Intervention Comparison Outcome and Time Conclusion References The problem of inadequate nurse staffing affects nursing practice and health care agencies by impairing the care process. In units with low staffing levels, nurses often experience burnout and high workload, which can lead to medical errors, poor quality of care, and low patient…