Category: Health Promotion

  • Influences of Technology towards Health Promotion

    Self-care is an essential mechanism to ensure heal regulation and monitoring health illness. According to the Middle Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness, self-care maintenance, self-care monitoring and self-care management were introduced and presented (Riegel et al., 2012). These concepts reiterate of how one distinguishes the symptoms and monitors it through rigid monitoring on…

  • Health Promotion of Mental Health Programs in Schools

    Mental health programs for young people can only be successful if it is flexible, culturally appropriate and more specifically centered on their needs and concerns. (Vranda, M.N., 2015). The ideal place for such programs is the school where there is ample opportunity to promote the mental health of young people. Stress, anxiety, and depression are…

  • Public Health Foundation for Health Promotion

    BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS These involves the use anti depressants medications and the use of light therapy, electro convulsive therapy, diet and also exercise in promoting positive health promotion. In relation to the depression interventions explained above I related all my interventions which are the social interventions, psychological interventions, biological and physiological inteventions to the…

  • The Significance of Health Promotion

    Health promotion is a way in which information can be wider spread to individuals for them to make informed choices about choosing a healthier lifestyle. to consider taking actions to irradiate or prevent commonly known illnesses. Some of the models that have been constructed to help health care workers aid individuals in a way that…

  • Health Promotion Project on Weight Management

    According to the body mass index (BMI) calculator, a normal weight range for my height would be in between 107 to 140 lbs. and my BMI should be 18.5-24.9. However, I am classed as overweight based on BMI of 29, and I have a strong family history of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol and sleep…

  • Smoking Cessation Support Activities Using Health Promotion

    Promotion is a health strategy of the 21st century, which based on the new health perspective that WHO (World Health Organization 1986) proposed in the 1986 Ottawa Charter and re-proposed in the Bangkok Charter of 2005. It is defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. In…

  • The Practice of Health Promotion in Pediatric Nursing

    Hundreds of thousands of babies are brought into this world daily. With our population growing more rapidly than ever, there is an apparent demand for pediatric nurses to provide care to these children. Pediatric nurses have the ability to promote a healthy lifestyle to children through many stages of their lives with the use of…

  • Essay on Health Promotion Strategy: Literature Review

    Introduction Health Promotion is a rapidly growing field that has a wide variety of definitions. Above all these definitions, I like the one by (Kumar and Pretha., 2012) which adduces to the fact that health and well-being are determined by many factories outside the health system. They went further to list the following as factors…

  • Essay on Managerial Interventions Needed in Health Promotional Settings in the Kalutara RDHS Division

    Discussion The current study was designed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and skills among primary healthcare workers in health promotional settings and to determine the managerial interventions needed in health promotional settings in the Kalutara RDHS division. The knowledge among 70% (215) of the study participants of this study were categorized as ‘poor’ and only…

  • Reflective Essay on Health Promotion Scenario Involved in during Practice

    During my second student nurse community placement, I was caring for a 63-year elderly of Caribbean descent with a history of smoking addiction. For confidentiality to be upheld in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council The Code (NMC 2018), the patient has been given the pseudonym of Mr. Smith. He lived in a very…