Category: Hercules

  • The Great Heroes before the Trojan War

    Myths were not derived from a single book, rather from many stories. Greek mythology begins with Homer. The Greeks made the gods in the image of themselves. Acrisius is told by an oracle that his daughter Danaes son will kill him. He locks up his daughter but she gets pregnant by Zeus himself and has…

  • Romantic Elements in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Hercules

    Rainer Maria Rilke, a British novelist and poet once said, The only journey is the journey within. In both Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Hercules, they both go on a journey to prove themselves and try to find out who they really are. On their journeys they encounter many obstacles which proved their…

  • Heracles and Atlas As Prime Male Specimens: Analytical Essay

    Introduction : Mythology is used as a base of education to allow an understanding of natural phenomena. Cartwright in 2012 suggested there is a clear synergy with the myth and religion of the time, morals are woven into these teachings of heroes as well as the harsh reality of punishment for those who are disobedient…

  • Themes in Hercules: Critical Analysis of Movies

    Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings, how they behave, and their societies, both in the past and the present (UCDavis 2020). There are three categories of anthropology, that is, social anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Social anthropology studies the behavioural patterns of human beings while linguistic anthropology studies what influences language has…