Category: Historical Figures

  • Alexander The Great, Trajan, Charlemagne Comparison

    Empires in Western Civilization I had some similarity as well as differences in the way they dealt with people, geographical expanse as well as success determinants as discussed under. Charlemagne was the king of the Franks. He changed the Frankish Kingdoms into the Frankish Empire which took the entire Western and Central Europe. He also…

  • Wrights Brothers: Orville and Wilbur

    Table of Contents Introduction Life of the Wright Brothers The impact on civil aviation Bibliography Introduction The two Americans who are credited with discovering and building the worlds first airplane are the Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) from Ohio, United States of America. This was on a very cold and windy day, the December 17th…

  • Constantine the Great  His Life and Legacy

    Introduction Constantine I was a Roman emperor in the years 324 to 337. The Catholics call him, Constantine The Great. His real name is Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. He made numerous contributions to Christianity, and even if the Catholics do not recognize him as a saint, his contribution has been rewarded by the…

  • Oliver Cromwell Is an Icon in the History of Britain

    Introduction Inasmuch as history is concerned, Oliver Cromwell is one of the wide-read and remembered epitome and icon in the history of Britain. He is one of the controversial figures in the history of Britain with various leaders and personalities having different views about him. For instance, some like David Sharp saw him as dictator…

  • The Seven Voyages of Chinese Admiral Zheng He

    Table of Contents Introduction Seven Voyages Chinese Expedition Achievement and the Key Factors Reasons for Stopping the Voyages Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Admiral Zheng He, Chinas ultimate sea captain, was born and bred in the countryside in a household of glorious Muslims around 1371. When his predecessor was killed, he was taken as a prisoner,…

  • The Greek Mathematician Euclid

    Euclid remains a mystery for the contemporary world as little is known about the great Greek mathematician. Most of the articles on Euclid follow the discussion of Elements long work of Euclids mathematical discussions of Geometry that can be considered a series of 13 books (Bolton, 2019). They encompassed the works of Eudoxus, Pythagoras, Hippocrates,…

  • Goujian, the Ruler of the Yue Kingdom in Ancient China

    The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to some Chinese scientists, its age may be about five thousand years. Ancient China is known for its unique culture, which in many respects has not changed much even now. Many things of everyday life, such as paper money, silk, dumplings, came to…

  • Galileo Galilei as a Key Influencer of Scientific Revolution

    Table of Contents Introduction Telescope Discoveries by Galileo Galileo Contribution to the Development of Modern Astronomy Oppositions in Galileos Work Significance of Galileos Discoveries in Modern Society Conclusion References Introduction Galileo Galilei was an astronomer, mathematician, and natural philosopher from Italy who made significant contributions to material strength, scientific method innovation, and motion sciences. The…

  • Historical Figures: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was a famous Swiss educator-democrat, theorist of the popular school, who had a tremendous influence on the development of pedagogical theory and school practice in many countries of the world. He pinned his main hopes on properly organized upbringing and education of children, on the unity of mental, moral, and physical…

  • The Short Life of Évariste Galois and the Big Life of His Ideas

    209 years ago, a famous mathematician Évariste Galois was born. He lived only 20 years but managed to become a classic of mathematics and one of the founders of higher algebra. His short biography is well known because it is romantic and interesting to young people. Galois was a fiery revolutionary and romantic who died…