Category: Homelessness

  • Homelessness and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

    The management of HIV remains one of the key priorities of modern healthcare since AIDS as a likely outcome of HIV is still incurable. Therefore, studying the factors that aggravate the problem and create obstacles for managing the disorder is essential to the improvement of patients health status, preventing HIV contraction, and minimizing the stigma…

  • Encampment Project: Homelessness Eradication

    Table of Contents Three Notes Article Essentials Thesis Main Points Reference Three Notes Encampment projects are usually helpful for few people or families. Homelessness eradication is almost impossible without efforts to combat unemployment. Temporary housing is an expensive venture. Article Essentials Taplin Jen published an article on 15th June 2022 in Chronicle-Herald about the intention…

  • Herbert Gans and Michel Foucaults Perspective towards the Increasing Homelessness Cases in the United States

    In the article, Millions Living Above the Poverty Line Also Struggle to Get By, the author states, The large share of the population struggling to pay bills includes Americans of all types, the WOW report found. More than one-fifth of homes headed by a college graduate and 24 percent of Americans working full-time cant make…

  • The Problem of Veterans’ Homelessness

    There are so many situations happening in the world. One of the biggest problems we have in our community would be veterans/ people being homeless. I believe that just because someone is homeless it does not mean they are different from anyone else. We are all equal and no one is better than another. I…

  • Essay on Homeless Veterans

    The state of California has the highest population in the U.S. thanks to its many urban areas, like Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. Unfortunately, because of its high population it is also home to many homeless Americans, including veterans. While ideally no American should be homeless, it is unfortunate that many of the…

  • Causes of Homelessness Essay

    Homelessness is a very individualized experience for anyone suffering from it, so finding an exact method for solving it is difficult. Its similar to how the medicine affects people in different ways or surgical procedures cause different reactions in the body. With more attention, understanding, and support for the problem, there can be significant progress…

  • Poverty and Homelessness Essay

    Poverty and Homelessness in the US is a big problem- How to solve it How many times do you see a homeless person on the streets, holding up a sign describing that they need help? If you were to answer that question, you probably wouldnt know, because we see homelessness happening every day of our…

  • Mental Illness and Homelessness: Critical Essay

    Although it seems that the United States doesnt have a high rate of homelessness, in 2019 about 567,715 people were counted as homeless nationally. Unfortunately, in these almost two years approximately, this rate started to increase. There are many reasons why the rate of homelessness has been increasing for the past 2 years. One of…

  • Essay on Pros and Cons of Homelessness

    As a result of the causes/reasons identified for youth homelessness, multiple issues affect these youth. These effects include contact with the criminal justice system, substance abuse, mental health concerns, sexual exploitation, and low levels of academic achievement. While specifically focusing on the academic achievement of homeless youth a rippling effect can be seen. It begins…

  • Essay on Cause and Effect of Homelessness

    Introduction Homelessness is defined as the absence of a home, by 4 main concepts: Rooflessness (having no shelter), Houselessness (living temporarily in institutions or shelters), Insecure housing (where there are insecure tenancies, eviction, domestic violence), and Inadequate housing (living in temporary or non-conventional structures, unfit housing and extreme overcrowding). Homelessness can be caused by various…