Category: Honor

  • Essay on What Does Honour, Courage, Commitment Mean to You

    Honor, duty, courage, and fame, are each pivotal elements to survive in society. Each one is indispensable. Honor brings pride; duty is a necessary condition for success; courage empowers and eliminates fear; and fame leads to success. With these components, it is possible to be a successful member of society. The honor represents status. It…

  • Peace with Honour Essay

    The Vietnam War was a disaster. It was such a mega-fail that impacted global diplomacy for a long time. Nixon got pushed right into important business. The Nation was unfortunately divided, with turmoil in the cities and war overseas. He did eventually succeed in ending Americas fighting with Vietnam but in a way, many people…

  • Maid of Honour Essay

    Peggy Sue and Tony had met and fell in love with each other while they both were attending college in Texas. Peggy Sue graduated with a degree in elementary education and is a teacher in Dallas, Texas. Tony graduated with a degree from a culinary school and is a chef at a resort hotel restaurant…

  • Essay on Warrior for Honour and Glory

    The Glory in Death In the world of heroes, they all have the same goal they strive to be glorified or honored after death. The Greeks use the phrase Kleos aphthiton or Eternal Glory (Van Bryan). Take Achilles in Homers Iliad for example. He was a strong, cunning warrior who was a demi-god renowned for…

  • What Is Honour Essay

    The purpose of this text is to elucidate the causes of honor killings in Turkey and in the Turkish law, system to explain how they affect these murders. So, in this text, the aim is to raise awareness about the problem of custom and honor that has been going on for years. While writing this…

  • Why Should We Honour Veterans Essay

    This paper explores the history of events related to the experience of African American veterans’ rights leading up to today. The earliest African American veteran involvement in the U.S. Military will be covered dating back to the Revolutionary War. The challenges veterans faced during World War 2, leading up to the Civil Rights Movement will…

  • Spanish Colonial Honour Essay

    The Philippines is culturally diverse, civilized, and rich in minerals and agriculture. The name Philippines came from the word Filipino given by the Spanish navigator Lopez Ruy De Villalobos in 1543 in honor of Prince Philip of Austrias, who became King Philip II, successor to King Charles. Take a look and see we have 170…

  • Honour Code Synthesis Essay

    Personal Honor Code Choosing three rules for my behavior is quite hard to decide on, being that there is a lot I live by. Although after plenty of contemplating, the main three rules I follow are not to stress over situations that are out of your hands, try to always stay positive and see the…

  • Essay on Honourable Suicide

    Ryunosuke Akutagawas In a Grove concerns various witnesses in a murder trial. Although each witness is testifying about the same crime, their accounts vary. They seem to remember different facts, making it difficult to convict anyone. Three of the witnesses, Tajomaru the thief, Masago, and her Samurai husband, Kanazawa no Takehiko all confess to at…

  • Why Do You Want to Join the Honours Program: Narrative Essay

    Every student has a different reason for attending college. Some students are just trying to graduate to obtain a degree. Others may be looking for parties or excitement. However, I believe that I am looking for more than the average college student. I am looking for experiences that can help me grow not just academically,…