Category: Human Brain

  • Influence Of Steroids On Memory And Brain Functions

    Abstract A steroid is a biologically active organic compound with four rings arranged in aspecific molecular configuration (Britannica). Steroids have many downsides such as kidney failure, liver cancer, and heart attacks. In addition, they have a huge impact on an individuals memory. Usually, athletes use steroids to recover quickly and workout harder without being tired.…

  • Does Our Brain Change As We Learn A Second Language?

    The human mind is a complex phenomenon, which continues to be investigated through neuroscience in great detail (Bassett & Gazzaniga, 2011). The structure of the brain is an intricate temporal and spatial multiscale, which composes molecular, cellular and neural phenomena, which together produce the physical and biological base for cognition (Bassett & Gazzaniga, 2011). Furthermore,…

  • The Necessity Of Understanding Language Through The Brain

    It is unlikely a person would ever recall the moment of their very first utterance. After months of crying and cooing, the babys speech would start to resemble a form of mama, or dada as it starts to produce preliminary syllables in the early stages of linguistic development (Parker & Riley, 2010). Before you know…

  • Mental Illness Research Paper

    Mental health is a persons Psychological and emotional well-being, it affects how we think, feel, and act. It included how we handle pressure, identify with others, and settle on decisions (Anne, 2014). We all experience fluctuations in our emotional state or mood but for many of us, at certain periods in our lives, this can…

  • Mental Illness Argumentative Essay

    Mental illness has the right to live with dignity Introduction People with serious mental illnesses are at a substantial disadvantage in defending themselves when they face criminal charges, and those difficulties are compounded when the charges are so serious that the death penalty is sought. Stigma and fear are significant factors in jury verdicts in…

  • American Psycho’ Mental Illness Essay

    The late 1980s and early 1990s were interesting times for Americas economy. Under President Ronald Reagan, a much larger emphasis was put on American capitalism. Taxes were dramatically cut, industries were deregulated, and GDP rose to an all-time high. Along with this extreme economic growth came scandals, thievery, and a decline in morality with sex…

  • What Mental Illness Did Howard Hughes Have: Critical Essay

    Cinema shows us the fragility of masculinity Cinema is a platform on which many subjects, emotions, problems, and eras can be displayed. It is a creative output and lets us have a glimpse into the minds of great film directors and has done so for many decades. One such director is Martin Scorsese who has…

  • What Mental Illness Did Jeffrey Dahmer Have: Critical Essay

    Imagine the kid you sat next to in your high school turned into a worldwide known serial killer. As a child, there were many red flags for his personality and actions towards people and the world. Now as he grows up he is known as Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster (Jeffrey Dahmer). It’s Easy…

  • What Mental Illness Does Lisa Have in ‘Girl Interrupted’: Critical Essay

    Susanna: – Susana Kayseen in Girl Interrupted fits the description of borderline personality disorder because A person who is suffering from borderline personality disorder they have stormy relationships with others, difficulty controlling emotions, unstable self-image, and mood swings. They may have deep emptiness inside and sometimes moods can range from anger and depression to anxiety.…

  • Theme of Mental Illness in ‘Inside Out’: Research Essay

    Consider the characterization of each of Riley’s five emotions in Inside, Out. Choose three of them. Explain what makes each distinctive in terms of their physical appearance, dialogue, types of interactions with others, and role in the film’s message/s. Write a paragraph on each of your chosen 3 emotions, referring to specific details from the…