Category: Ignorance

  • Ignorance Is Bliss: Essay

    A lot of people say that ignorance is bliss, but what exactly does it mean? Well, the formal definition of ignorance, based on the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. And the definition of bliss is complete happiness. I believe the phrase ignorance is bliss, is unique and different for each…

  • Evaluation of Plato’s View of Immorality as Ignorance

    Platos view on immorality is ignorance is derived from the argument put forward in Protagoras by Socrates, who claimed that all wrong and evil is done due to a lack of knowledge. In this essay I plan to critically analyze this argument and evaluate an objection to Platos claim that immorality is ignorance by disproving…

  • Views of Socrates and Plato on Ignorance

    Ignorance is usually an ability that any person would now not know. In truth, lack of knowledge is the having faith that there is any individual who can be aware of something, and that there is any man or woman who can be conscious of him or herself. Socrates and Plato had substantial and one-of-a-kind…

  • Reflections on Whether or Not Ignorance Is Bliss in the Study of Abstractions

    According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ignorance is defined as the lack of knowledge or education. The knowledge question claims that with this lack of knowledge we are able to be confident in what we know. However, when we lack certain knowledge and attempt to gain more knowledge to fill in this gap, we are bound…