Category: Illness

  • Problem of Mental Illness for the Individual and Society

    I agree that any mental illness is a serious problem for the individual as well as for society; mentally ill people can be dangerous sometimes (the presented case only supports this claim). I also agree that people should pay more attention to individuals who potentially might have mental issues in order to help them and…

  • Frailty: Geriatric Syndromes and Chronic Illnesses

    Geriatric Syndromes The elderly are generally known to be a population that is rather vulnerable in the framework if its health. One of the reasons why such an issue is observed is the presence of geriatric syndromes. Unfortunately, professionals are not yet able to state if geriatric syndromes underlie chronic illnesses or vice versa. Still,…

  • Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Program Analysis

    The Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program generates a wealth of data on industrial injuries and illnesses. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021), there were 4,764 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2020, a 10.7 percent decline from 5,333 in 2019. Transportation and material moving workers, as well as construction…

  • Foodborn Illness Outbreak Across the Countries

    The article titled Hepatitis A Cases in Hungary Prompt Berry Mix Recall describes the outbreak of hepatitis A in Hungary following a dinner at a restaurant where people who developed the disease ate a berry mix. The mix is produced in Poland and has been distributed to a vast number of countries including Austria, Belgium,…

  • The Medical Model of Mental Illness

    A medical model is called a direction in psychology that provides an explanation for mental illness through physical causes. The medical model connects emotional and mental problems with biological ones (Huda, 2021). In modern medicine, there are two models of mental illness  biomedical and biopsychosocial. In combination with medical treatment, the medical model of…

  • Mental Illness: The Case Study

    This document presents the results of John Does mental illness assessment histories. The interview was conducted to collect information about the clients mental health condition. It contained open ended questions about John Does mental history. The first part of this document highlights the assessment histories that will be performed while the second part comprises a…

  • Biopsychosocial Approach in Mental Illness

    Table of Contents Introduction Biological Psychological Social Conclusion References Introduction Biopsychosocial approach in mental illness requires that the health care professional considers the biological, psychological and social aspects of the patient. The approach operates under a principle that the mind, the body as well as the environment interact and cause diseases. The biological aspect refers…

  • Palliative Care for Terminal Illnesses

    Table of Contents Introduction Palliative Care Childs perspective Reference List Introduction Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is perhaps one of the most foreboding nightmares for mankind, young or old. Terminal illnesses refer to malignant conditions that cannot be adequately treated thus resulting in the death of the sufferer (Zimmerman, 1985, p. 65). The realization…

  • The Teaching Plan for Mental Illness

    Table of Contents Introduction Epidemiological Rationale for Topic Evaluation of Teaching Experience Community Response to Teaching Areas of Strengths and Areas of Improvement References Introduction The current teaching plan targets adolescents and young adults who struggle with mental illness and substance abuse. The proposed seminar falls under the domain of educational policies and health promotion…

  • Care Coordination in People With Chronic Illness

    Table of Contents Introduction Existing Initiatives Goals in Addressing the Gap Circumstances Surrounding the Initiative Development Resources Reasons for Failure of the System Conclusion References Introduction One of the healthcare tragedies in the contemporary world is the complexity of treatment and management, which involves multiple practitioners who may not even know each other. The implication…