Category: Immigration

  • Harvest of Empire: Immigration in the United States

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Most Americans have never understood the challenging history lying behind the increased Latino population growth in the United States. Nevertheless, after watching the documentary, I realized that it is of great help in making a person know why America has many immigrants. Thus, this essay…

  • The Industrial Revolution: Immigration Policies

    The industrial revolution period, which was defined by massive technological advancement, changed the nature of work, mainly in the United States. The core elements that spurred industrial growth in America in the early 19th century included pro-business government policies, availability of workforce, technological advances (new patents), and abundant natural resources (iron and coal) (Liao et…

  • Immigration Policy: Impact on Nursing

    Identification of the Underlying Issue In July 2014, two American citizens named Dr. Paul Gingrey (a retired obstetrician and gynecologist and a former member of the congress in the United States) and Linda Poon (a staff writer at CityLab Bloomberg) have both illustrated their perspective on the healthcare policy in regard to immigration. Poon (2014)…

  • Canada and US Economic Relation: Immigration Impact

    Introduction In the wake of international cooperation and globalization, intercontinental movement of people has significantly increased. Current economic trends have compelled people to move to foreign nations to seek employment opportunities, education, and business among other reasons. However, economic immigrants have increased significantly in the last decade. Their relocation to foreign nations has contributed immensely…

  • Impact of Legal Immigration on the Economy of United States

    The success of the United States in multiple spheres of life largely comes from a well-known and longstanding tradition to encourage people to leave their countries for a better life in America. At the same time, similar to any other phenomenon, immigration has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, legal migration plays a highly…

  • Immigration: Causes and Effects

    Table of Contents Introduction Economic Causes Social Causes Conclusion Works Cited Introduction For a long time, immigration has been a significant policy subject in the United States, with numerous reports and studies conducted on its motives and implications. Immigration is the movement or relocation of people from one country to another. Factors that promote immigration…

  • Immigrations Economic Input in the United Kingdom

    Immigration is one of the most important debated topics in the United Kingdom today. Britain has always been a destination of the migrants. However, the recent influx is almost unprecedented. Relative to population, the scale of immigration is now so much greater than during any period since the Anglo-Saxon and Danish invasions over a thousand…

  • Canadas Immigration Policy and Economic Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Immigration in Canada Conclusion References Introduction There are many people believing immigrants are ruining any country. That statement could be true if illegal immigrants are employed unofficially and do not pay taxes. However, even illegal immigrants have to spend money buying all types of products: from pharmaceuticals to food supplies, rent…

  • Immigration Patterns: Risk of Disappearing

    Table of Contents Introduction Globalization and Immigration Immigration Patterns Acculturation and Assimilation Cultural Changes in the Host Country Conclusion References Introduction Immigration, the movement of people from their home country to another with the aim of settling, has been an inherent part of the human history. Throughout the years of human existence, there have been…

  • Industry and Mass Immigration to Ellis Island

    By the end of the nineteenth century, immigrants across the globe sought to enter the United States in search of new opportunities. Ellis Island was a central hub through which these people, most of whom were Europeans from poorer regions, had to pass in order to inspect their health and criminal records (Pegler-Gordon, 2021). Public…