Category: Infant

  • Gender Roles and Infant/Toddler Care: Male and Female Professors on the Tenure Track by Steven Rhoads Article Review

    The article Gender roles and infant/toddler care: Male and female professors on the tenure track by Steven Rhoads and Christine Rhoads relates important information with regards to the differences in child care strategies between male and female professors during their post-birth parental leave. Generally, the article argues that females are more aware of the importance…

  • Infants Temperament Influences on the Parents Treat

    The influence of an infants temperament Based on my experience with children, I think that an infants temperament influences the way their parents treat them, while a combination of parental style and a childs temperamental characteristics shapes their attachment patterns. Responsive caregiving in the early months facilitates the development of secure attachment of a child…

  • Traffic Accidents and Infant Safety Seats

    Numerous countries have become extremely dependent on cars, as most of the infrastructure and the way of life itself imply that people are expected to drive to work, shopping malls, universities, hospitals, and other institutions. Traffic collisions happen too often on the roads to undermine the importance of infant safety seats and the rules of…

  • Infant and Mortality Rate in South Africa

    South Africa Currently, South Africa is one of the leading countries in Africa with the highest death rates. The trends in key indicators of mortality suggest that infant and adult mortality will increase in South Africa. According to Karim and Karim (2010), there are high expectations of death rates increase in South Africa, with male…

  • Infant Understanding of the World

    The first social manifestations of a newborn child are associated with physiological needs (food, drink, thermal comfort, movement, absence of pain, comfortable body position). The human brain begins to learn, explore and adapt to the world around it while still in the womb. With the help of modern technology, scientists track the development of the…

  • Oral Stimulations Effects on Infants Behaviors

    Was there a clear statement of the question, objectives, and aims of the research? The article provided a clear statement of the question which focused on determining the effects of oral motor stimulation on infants born with complex univentricle anatomy and who required surgery immediately after birth. The aim and objectives of the study were…

  • The Development of Infants and Young Children

    Table of Contents The Effect of Families Parenting Styles Most Effective Style Influence on Cognitive Development Conclusion References Infants and young children are already gaining knowledge at birth, and they keep developing and learning at a fast rate in their formative years. The process offers a vital basis for lifetime progression, and grownups, both parents…

  • The Infant Mortality Issue in India: Possible Solutions

    Executive Summary Infant and child mortality is a global issue that affects many developing countries in the world. In India, these rates have been exceeding the average number of death per 1000 citizens for many years. Although recently the country officials announced that they were able to reduce the number of infant deaths, India has…

  • Infant Mortality: Influence and Prevention Measures

    Case description Barbara is 40 years old and expecting her 4th child. Her doctors have advised her that, due to her age, she is at high risk for possible fetal death. Barbara conducts research on the internet. She finds statistics for fetal deaths from 2002-2011 based on age and race. She notes that African American…

  • Infant Primitive Reflexes and Their Treatment

    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Primitive reflexes may impede the childs development and negatively influence on social and educational realms of a child. These reflexes are primary developmental patterns, as well as postural control. They, in turn, are integrated into more complex patterns establishing voluntary movements and skills. Integration deficiency…