Category: International Marketing

  • The UK Juicers Company: Internationalization Theories

    Introduction Internationalisation of companies has been rampant over the years with firms seeking to enlarge their client base with focus on foreign markets. In addition, firms have been seeking to promote their market performance as the need to outsource grips markets. Internationalisation adopts two forms namely downstream internationalisation and upstream internationalisation. Two further forms involving…

  • Global Marketing Strategy Development Benefits

    Abstract This paper examines the various marketing strategies that are essential for success of any company within the global market. It begins by introducing the idea of the global markets, and then discusses the common factors that influence the channel structures involved in distribution of products. Then it looks at the steps that the global…

  • Marketing and Research & Development in India

    The article tilted Dow Chem to Turn Pune Unit into R&D Hub provided by the India Supply Chain Council reports about Dow Chemicals plans to develop its Pune unit into a global research and development centre. (India Supply Chain Council) The would-be center will focus on a wide range of products that will occupy the…

  • Local Cultures in Globalisation and International Markets

    The globalisation of the modern world and appearance of companies that have their offices in numerous countries all over the world contribute to the increased importance of tolerance and improved comprehending of at least basic peculiarities of various cultures (Five steps to avoiding cultural mistakes 2014). In other words, when running a business internationally, a…

  • Multinational Enterprises Global Strategy Adjustments

    A global strategy is based on the assumption that the consumption and production patterns of goods and services are homogenous worldwide and countries are interconnected. Multinational enterprises keep total control of their activities by centralizing decision-making global strategy to increase profits while reducing production costs. MNEs can execute global strategy and practice centralization by franchising,…

  • The International Marketing Planning Theory Application

    Introduction International marketing planning theory involves using marketing principles across national boundaries to achieve the objective of an organization. According to the theory, international marketing is the act of directing the flow of a companys goods and services to consumers or users in multiple countries for profit (Samiee and Chirapanda, 2019). The only distinction between…

  • The Role of Internet on International Marketing

    Background and Objectives Background Nowadays a successful company might rely on how well it markets itself and its products, assuring that its customers are satisfied and pleased, with the purchased products or services, the service received the auxiliary packages of delivery and finance that are offered. Consequently, innovative managers are looking for unique ways to…

  • A US Diapers Firms Entry into the Brazilian Market

    Table of Contents Introduction Advertising Message Pricing Decisions Prospective Development of the Market Conclusion References Introduction The proposed initiative, the Brazilian market entry of a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers, requires particular attention due to the differences in conditions of the two locations. The conflicting views regarding the use of an original advertising message and…

  • International Marketing: H&M Enters Brunei

    Introduction In the contemporary business environment, international marketing enables an organization to compete effectively. Most organizations go global to increase their market share and succeed (Alon et al., 2020). H&M is one of the companies using internationalization as a strategy to achieve a competitive advantage. For example, the company wants to enter Brunei to increase…

  • Nike Inc.s International Marketing Strategies

    Introduction Nike Company is a multinational organization operating in the business of designing, developing, and producing various sports products. Apart from selling shoes and apparel, the firm is known for its performance equipment, including bags, socks, eyewear, and sports balls. It has invested heavily in three key areas, namely, North America, Western European countries such…