Category: Invention

  • How the Invention of Gunpowder Affected the World

    Table of Contents Introduction The Invention of Gunpowder The Use of Gunpowder in Feudal Europe Gunpowder and Colonialism Gunpowder in Construction Conclusion References Introduction By examining the social, political, and economic advantages and disadvantages brought on by the widespread use of gunpowder, the issue will determine if the invention and innovation of gunpowder were a…

  • A Chinese Invention: Paper and Its Importance

    Introduction Traditionally, a paper was invented in 105 CE; however, there is evidence of it being invented much earlier. Historians believe that the earliest invention was accidental due to clothes made of hemp being left to dry for too long, forming a residue in the water that could be pressed into paper (Cartwright). The one…

  • The Ten Most Important Inventions of the Twentieth Century

    The twentieth century was a period of extensive inventive activities, with great minds coming up with new solutions to existing problems, and improving on innovations and developments of the nineteenth century. Some of these innovations resulted in mild enhancements to day-to-day operations, such as the pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite, while other inventions played…

  • Basketball: Invention, History, Rules and Techniques

    Basketball is a sport that involves a total of ten players who makes two teams, five on each side playing against each other by passing a ball and shooting it into the basket, which is always10 foot high ring controlled by rules that make the game organized. The players can bounce/ dribbling or pass the…

  • Wright Brothers and Their Invention

    One of the most fascinating and important exhibits at the Smithsonian Institute would be the Canard Biplane built by the Wright brothers. This beautiful piece of work was very simple in design but got the job done. Basically, it had a small 12 horsepower engine to turn the propellers and a sprocket and chain transmission…

  • Essay on Importance of Vaccines Invention

    Vaccines are considered one of the most distinguished inventions in history. From a health standpoint, some of the revolutionary achievements of vaccines are the eradication of smallpox and polio. Millions of people die of smallpox during 1980-90, however, the 1979 vaccination program started by the WHO completely wiped it out. Another, striking accomplishment of vaccination…

  • Essay on Who Discovered Solar Energy

    While conducting electrochemical experiments in 1838, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, a French physicist, discovered the photoelectric phenomenon. He monitored the current flowing between two plated platinum electrodes in an electrolyte-filled container. Becquerel discovered that when exposed to light, the current’s strength alerted. The outside effect, in which electrons move out of a stationary substance when exposed…

  • How Science Has Contributed To The Film And Television Industry And Its Impact On Society

    INTRODUCTION For decades people have been influenced by the entertainment industry. Movies and television has shaped millions of lives across the world. The entertainment industry is worth nearly $2 trillion. This figure demonstrates the influence of the industry. Computer science applies to almost all forms of the entertainment industry. You may not realize that the…

  • Essay on Nikola Tesla Car

    The United States of America And Tesla. I’ll be explaining the positions that the country is in at this time. also, Tesla’s origin and how they relate to a more evolved America in one of the greatest countries in the world. Companies that reside Within the United States are exceptional pieces of artwork that people…