Category: Just Mercy

  • Social Issues in ‘Just Mercy’ Essay

    The prison industrial complex is a term used to describe the massive increase in prison population across the nation due to a rapid increase in privatized prisons, and big businesses that supply different goods and services to these private prisons for profit. Angela Davis describes the prison industrial complex as the government and certain industries…

  • Representation of Memorable Cases and Experiences in Just Mercy: Opinion Essay

    Society is falling apart as the powers of division develop, becoming tenacious, dividing individuals. We are losing trust in one another and in the future of the country and even the world. Sentiments of dissatisfaction, feebleness and loss are making us powerless against stories such as the ‘us versus them’ accounts, which turns one against…

  • Just Mercy’ Argumentative Essay

    In our world, recognizing that individuals with disabilities are part of human existence, people must actively work to reduce inequities in society. People with disabilities often experience lower education levels and obtain fewer resources, and their health is not as important to them as people without disabilities. In many instances, they do not receive the…

  • Just Mercy’ Thesis Statement Essay

    We the people core our society, policies, and laws to ensure protection and safety for residents in our governed body. We implement systems to keep peace and order. Yet what about the injustices within these laws? Individuals have the ability to find peace amidst the storms that threaten us during the journey of life. In…

  • Just Mercy’ Analysis Essay

    Oscar Wilde’s claim is a valuable human trait since most changes in world history are caused by disobedience or rebellion which it does promotes social progress. Disobedience nowadays is justified by changes such as the civil rights movement or the black lives matter movement in which people of color fight for their rights which in…

  • Ethical Dilemmas and Social Change in “Just Mercy”: Pursuing Justice and Empathy

    Ethical Dilemmas and Social Change in “Just Mercy”: Pursuing Justice and Empathy Self-Awareness in Social Work Within my role as a Community Health Worker, I am often faced with ethical dilemmas which require conflicting values and policies. The balance of what is morally right and wrong is constantly in my heart and mind when it…

  • A Deep Dive into “Just Mercy”: Unveiling Injustice

    A Deep Dive into “Just Mercy”: Unveiling Injustice Introduction to “Just Mercy” and Walter McMillian’s Case Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson is a book all about the injustices that happen in our justice and criminal system today. It goes over the many cases of falsely accused people, but it focuses mainly on the case of…

  • Insights from “Just Mercy”: Navigating Injustice and Discovering Humanity

    Insights from “Just Mercy”: Navigating Injustice and Discovering Humanity “Just Mercy”: A Glimpse into Injustice Just Mercy is a story written by Bryan Stevenson from a personal experience where he speaks more about justice, mercy, and empathy. In the entire story, he claims that the rate of injustices has increased and that people are being…

  • Racial Inequality and Police Brutality in “Just Mercy” and “All American Boys”

    Racial Inequality and Police Brutality in “Just Mercy” and “All American Boys” Pervasive Police Injustice: After reading Just Mercy and All American Boys, I was astonished by the controversial topics I had read in each book. They discussed topics such as racial injustice and police brutality, which have been argued about for years. At first,…