Category: Justice

  • Discussion: Symbiotic Justice in Taxation

    The sustenance of a nation is only possible when the government has enough revenue to support its projects, pay the workers, and continually develop its infrastructure. During his time as the finance minister, Alexander Hamilton opined that it was important for the government to collect internal and external taxes that would help pay the enormous…

  • Social Justice in Britains Workforce

    Although racism has been outlawed as a social vice, nonetheless, racial discrimination is still one of the major ethical dilemmas in the modern workplace. Workers from perceived minority and inferior races are repeatedly subjected to unfair treatment. Employers in Britain still discriminate against employees along racial lines. Britain is a multicultural state and as such,…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility & Justice in Business

    Table of Contents Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility Organization Desirability Corporate Social Responsibility and its Demerits Conclusion References Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that is considered at the organizational level and is seen as a companys privacy policy, and businesses must connect it with their business strategy. The implementation of corporate social responsibility…

  • Rays The Secret in Their Eyes: Morality, Justice, and Love

    Art is one of the popular forms of expression of human thoughts and deep feelings. In particular, cinema is one of the areas of art that allows people to raise and reveal eternal questions. The Secret in Their Eyes is a good example of a work that addresses critical human issues. It raises moral issues…

  • What Caused the Salem Witch Trial Hysteria of 1692: Analytical Essay

    In 1692, mass hysteria broke out in Salem Massachusetts, it was referred to as the Salem Witch Trials. Witches were described as humans being related to the devil with special powers used to inflict punishment on others. This type of hysteria was seen before in different parts of the world; the earliest sign of Witchcraft…

  • Revenge and Justice in the Round House

    When discussing the topics of justice and revenge, we find that these acts are usually on the opposite side of a spectrum. In Louise Erdrichs novel, The Round House, Erdrich uses her main character Joe, to show the effects of how justice and revenge can work together to help him rebuild the damage that has…

  • Chief Justice Research Paper: Analysis of Thurgood Marshall

    Chief Justice Research Paper (Warren Court 1953-1969) Introduction: The Warren Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren was effective after the passing of Fred M. Vinson the former Chief Justice. Chief Justice During the Warren Court Era, the court handled several landmark cases that would transform area of laws in racial segregation, criminal procedures, and…

  • Dr. Martin Luther King’s Ideas Concerning Justice, Equality, Love, Faith, and Nonviolence

    Introduction: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (15th January 1929-4th April 1968) was one of the activists and prominent leaders in America. He was known for his African-American civil rights movement. Unlike many philosophers, Martin Luther King not only posed ideas just for the sake of displaying intellectual ability, but he believed only in the philosophies…

  • Discursive Essay on Whether Torture Justified

    Is Torture Justified when used for national security and the society’s perspective on that matter? Statement of the Problem The thesis question is if torture is justified when used for national security and the views of society on if it is necessary. The problem of this topic stems from those who do know that if…

  • Taking a Stand Essay

    Taking a stand in life means developing the backbone to stand for what one believes is important. It is right to take a stand when freedom is being deprived and for independence. Viktor E. Frank once said, It is not freedom from conditions, but it is the freedom to take a stand toward the conditions.…