Category: Justice

  • Can and Should the Lawmaking Process Be Improved: Persuasive Essay

    Introduction The lawmaking process is a fundamental aspect of any democratic society. It shapes the legal framework that governs our lives and ensures the protection of rights and the maintenance of order. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the lawmaking process is not perfect and can benefit from improvements. This persuasive essay argues that…

  • Essay on Salem Witch Trials Impact on American Legal System

    To what extent did the Salem witch trials affect the American legal system? Between the time of 1692-1693 in the American colony of Massachusetts, there were a series of prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft. This mainly occured in the city of Salem and it resulted in the accusation of two hundred people and the…

  • Shakespeares Treatment Of Justice And Mercy In The Merchant Of Venice

    The treatment of justice and mercy in Shakespeares play The Merchant of Venice is done throughout different layers of narrative. Firstly, it is done through the city itself. Venices economic stability heavily relies on foreign business. To protect the rights of these merchants, the city has economic laws in place. Although these laws are on…

  • The Structure Of Criminal Justice System In The USA

    The United States criminal justice system is a set of agencies that were created by the administrations to manage crimes and punish people who break the laws. The two types of criminal justice systems are the state and federal agencies. The state criminal justice systems manage violations occurred in its state limits, while the federal…

  • Restorative Justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution And Therapeutic Jurisprudence As Innovative Justice Approaches

    I Introduction Over the past several decades in countries like Australia, the response to crime is moving in two directions. One track is innovative. It promises a change in established forms of criminal justice, to do justice differently. The other track is repetitive. It promises to intensify the established forms of criminal justice, to do…

  • Social Justice As The Attribute Of Modern Society

    Social Justice Social justice is a complex and contested term (Morgaine, 2014). Although it is universally accepted and adopted in community work it holds different meanings and interpretations (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). According to Morgaine (2014), social justice refers to the view that every individual deserves the same economic, social, and political rights and opportunities.…

  • The Theme Of Justice In The Novel To Kill A Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 at the height of the Civil Rights movement in the US. Set in the depression, circa 1930, it was an instant success and focussed on common humanity through the eyes of an innocent, uncorrupted girl, Scout Finch. Set in the South, Scouts young female voice navigates the…

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Restorative Justice

    Introduction to Restorative Justice This essay will focus on the various advantages and disadvantages of using restorative justice principles to handle cases of low-level offenses. The principles, processes, methods, and challenges of restorative justice will be discussed and evaluated as well. Historical Context and Definitions In the 1970s, restorative justice was first practiced as a…

  • Pros And Cons Of Gacaca Courts As An Example Of Justice Is Rwanda

    INTRODUCTION Post-conflict transitional societies are often faced with the difficult task of transitional justice. This issue is a result of the need to balance the demands for justice and social cohesion. This delicate balance is situated within two notions of justice, retributive and restorative justice. Retributive justice refers ‘to the repair of justice through the…

  • The Benefits And Rocks Of Restorative Justice

    Restorative justice, just the name of this approach to conflict resolution brings notes of spring summer and healing in the mind. We often dont feel satisfied or like the justice that has been served in the dealings of the court, police and legal system at large. Like there is missing variables, a disconnect. We have…