Category: Kafka

  • How Might Kafkas Metamorphosis Be Read As A Study Of Identity?

    The concept of identity is defined as who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others . Throughout his 1915 novella The Metamorphosis , relationship between the identity and the motivations of Kafkas characters plays a major role in the narrative. The Samsa familys attitudes towards…

  • A Personal View of Franz Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’

    This year, last May, my family and I visited the Czech Republic, specifically the city of Prague. It was an amazing experience, during which we learned very much about its past and present history. We admired the beautiful Romanesque architecture, we walked along the famous Charles Bridge, and we were able to watch the amazing…

  • Franz Kafka’s Portrayal of the Irrational World in The Metamorphosis’

    In The Metamorphosis, Kafka portrays the world as an irrational place through an abrupt and unexpected opening to his book. Without explanation, Kafka utilizes In Medias Res to immediately place his audience in the middle of the story with Gregors transformation into a pest. Through his use of this device, Kafka introduces an impossible situation…

  • In Franz Kafkas ‘The Metamorphosis’: Why Does the Protagonist Dislike his Job?

    Gregors metamorphosis accomplishes several of his aims: First, it frees him from his hated job with an odious company by using disabling him from working; second, it relieves him of the requirement to make an agonizing desire between his filial duty to his parentsparticularly his fatherand his desperate yearning to emancipate himself from such responsibilities…

  • Human Vermin: Self-Image and Parental Alienation

    The masked anxiety in Kafkas Metamorphosis is a rooted trauma from parental alienation which transforms Gregors self-image from human to bug. The behaviors in the narrative are mirror images of the authors life and are reminiscent of his feelings towards his father. This parental alienation experienced during Kafkas interactions with his father is further demonstrated…

  • Comparative Analysis of The Metamorphosis and In the Penal Colony by Franz Kafka

    There is no doubt that writing is a way to demonstrate our deepest feelings and beliefs; therefore, it is important to comprehend the background of our writing in order to understand and analyze diverse situations. The purpose of this essay is to develop a comparative analysis between the different works written by Franz Kafka: The…

  • The Issue of Bureaucracy in Franz Kafkas The Trial

    Introduction to Bureaucracy in “The Trial” Written at the beginning of the 20th century The Trial depicts the rise of bureaucracy, the power of law, and the atomization of the individual, which are allegorically reflected in a story about Joseph K., a bank employee who is accused of unspecified crimes. This rather surreal and pessimistic…

  • Excessive Materialism and Inferiority of Society in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

    Have you ever felt out of place in your workplace or community? Society as a whole has several negative aspects with the main being that people are very hollow. One prominent writer such as Franz Kafka laid out some of these critiques in his novel. In The Metamorphosis by Kafka society is shown to be…

  • Thoughts and Feelings after Reading Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis

    The Metamorphosis by Kafka it gives us a story about transformation, abandoned by parents, relationship with sister. Instead of receiving love Gregor is an outcast and trying to find his way to a human again. One would normally think of the home and family as a sanctuary; however the evidence is true for Gregor Samsa…

  • Alienation in the Metamorphosis

    Alienation is the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved. Alienation is a central theme that Franz Kafka discusses in his story Metamorphosis from the beginning all the way to the end when the main character, Gregor, dies…