Category: King Lear

  • The Abuse Of Power And Its Effects In King Lear

    The desire to gather power and to control what one wants to encourage their greed can be a dangerous quality. King Lear, written in 1608, by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy that represents the horrible impacts of abusing power and leads to his death. The abuse of power plays an immense role all throughout the…

  • King Lear’ Essay on Blind Loyalty

    William Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’ is one of his four great tragedies and one of his most acclaimed plays. His greatest tragedies come from his second and third periods. Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet come under the second period whereas the third period includes Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony, and Cleopatra. Self-delusion is the…

  • Social Customs As A Factor For Revenge In The Play King Lear

    Would you ever want to get revenge on society, because of how it treated you? In the play King Lear, there were many social injustices going on. Characters were treated unfairly, and it drove them to get revenge. The shadow, Edmund, was Gloucesters illegitimate son. He wanted to get back at society for labeling him…