Category: Liberalism

  • Liberal Media in Herman and Chomskys Model

    Table of Contents Introduction Liberal Media Myth Five Filters Conclusion References Introduction The video The Myth of the Liberal Media has faced a clash of opinions from the side of the general public; it has been both  criticized and highly evaluated since it has raised such controversial issues that could not be ignored. Overall,…

  • Canadian Liberal Platforms Sustainability Assessment

    Importance of a New Environmental Assessment Regime Nowadays, there are many problems and challenges people have to deal with in order to survive and provide their children and grandchildren with a safe future. People try to solve the existing political, economic, and cultural problems. Still, not many people pay enough attention to the environmental details…

  • Friedman: Liberalism, Individualism, Market Economy

    Table of Contents Friedmans Understanding of Liberalism Friedman as a Conservative Bruce Scotts Invisible Hand Stephen Marglins Opinion Regarding the Market Economy Economists Judging the Role of the State Differently George Lodges Ideological Consciousness Differing Views: Private versus Private goods Views Concerning Human Behavior Conclusion Works Cited Milton Friedmans astounding contribution to the U.S. economy…

  • Canadian Liberal Party: Analysis of Macroeconomics

    Table of Contents Introduction Platform Aspects Analysis Models and Concepts Conclusion References Introduction The Canadian Liberal Party has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at its head. It was he who brought the party to majority rule by 2015, but by 2019 the number of Liberal parliamentary seats had declined (Jeffrey, 2021). By 2021, Justin Trudeau called…

  • Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory

    Introduction: The Issue Divorcing a strong and powerful economic community is a rather controversial decision that will inadvertently cause significant internal and external conflicts for any state. The case of Brexit proves that the refusal to be a part of the European Union (EU) is fraught with serious consequences that Great Britain is about to…

  • The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on the Economy

    Table of Contents Introduction From financial repression to financial liberalisation Financial liberalisation and macro-economic performance Views supporting financial liberation to stimulate growth Views against financial liberation References Introduction A stable, effective and efficient financial system is very crucial and plays a great role on a countrys economic growth. Governments must always ensure that their financial…

  • The Complexities of Liberalism and CSR in Modern Economics

    Liberalism as an economic thought has a relatively new history compared to other schools. Even though the financial crisis of 2007 was what brought a new wave of attention to liberalism, it can be traced back as far as Victorian times (Davies, 2014). However, neoliberalism differs from the original liberalism in several aspects. The main…

  • Realism vs Liberalism Essay

    The comparison between Realism and Liberalism Introduction When considering realism and liberalism in terms of international relations both these theories can be regarded as useful. However, these two theories can be used as tools for exploring and explaining what are the subjects. According to Bayliss and Smith (2005:186) Realism as a theory is the natural…

  • Pros and Cons of Liberalism

    Research Paper In this essay, I am going to discuss different theories of government such as liberalism and communism. I am going to go into depth on how these theories operate as well as discuss how these theories affect societies. I will also go into depth on how these theories operate and also provide critique…

  • Pursuance of Economic Liberalism in the Philippines: a Hypothetical View

    Globalization is a phenomenon which encompasses the idea and act of dramatic or gradual changes in a certain nation. These changes are meant to affect the actors in the society, for the very reason that it is them who has the capability to permit the said changes. In this hypothetical view of writing, it will…