Category: Life Lesson

  • Tuesdays with Morrie’ Sociology Essay

    Morrie Schwartz was a 78-year-old man with a tremendous amount of courage, wisdom, and many life lessons to offer the world. He shared his knowledge with his students as he taught sociology at Brandeis University. His diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) opened his eyes to many things in life that he never thought twice…

  • Most Important Lesson Learned in Life: Essay

    Summary of Lessons Learned The first lesson was about spirituality and faith. Faith is something we need daily. It is believing in something despite seeing or touching it. Matthew 17:20 says that even if we have faith like a grain of a mustard seed, we can move mountains, and nothing will be impossible for us.…

  • Narrative Essay about Something That Taught Them a Lesson

    The purpose and importance of psychology in our life I feel is to remain happy and healthy in all aspects of life. Psychology is the study of people’s behavior, performance, and mental operations. Everything I have learned in this course has helped me understand my past a little better because I have learned how the…

  • Lessons We Take from Obstacles: Personal Narrative Essay

    I believe in the truth that the lessons we learn from the obstacles we face can be fundamental to our later success. What matters when you work on something is not the final result  it is the skills you have acquired that make you a better person. Lin Zhous saying never fails to remind…

  • Valuable Life Lessons Learned in High School: Narrative Essay

    The lights turn off all across the lobby, as I hand a customer their large popcorn. Streams of people are leaving their screening rooms, all heading for the lobby. The manager walks out of his office and addresses the crowd that is overwhelming him with questions. He slowly gains the attention of everyone in the…

  • Life Lessons in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’: Critical Essay

    How can people tell if they know how someone can act without a true experience? In Harper Lees Pulitzer Prize novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses Scout a character to bring a challenge and understanding of what it was like to live in a segregated society. Mrs. Lee’s, classic To Kill a Mockingbird has…

  • Life Experiences That Taught a Lesson Essay

    While wearing the earplugs for 8 hours, the thing I found most difficult was trying to have a conversation with people. I would like to think I am pretty good at lipreading, but it was a little harder being put into an actual scenario where part of your hearing is blocked off. It was interesting…

  • 5 Paragraph Essay on Life Lessons

    Introduction I was once told, What you learn today can improve all of your tomorrows (Ralph Marston).I am a firm believer that whatever journey gets thrown someones way makes them the person they become. These so called journeys, teach us the most valuable life lessons. Whether the lesson has a positive or negative outcome, it…

  • Essay on What Lesson Is Wiesel Teaching in ‘Night’

    Over 74 years ago, the Jewish population endured one of the most horrific events in history. (Hook) During World War II, six million Jews were murdered by Nazis following Hitlers instruction. This genocide during WWII became known as the Holocaust. In Elie Wiesel’s novel Night, Wiesel shares his traumatic experiences during the Holocaust and how…