Category: Lobbying

  • Impact of Lobbying on Credibility of Oval Office: Analytical Essay

    With specific reference to the Oval Office, to what degree has this institution been a source of controversy over the past half century? Over the past 50 years, the US presidency has been involved in several scandals and corruption cases that gave rise to controversy and concerns both within American society and amongst US partners…

  • Law Regulations of Lobbying in Poland: Descriptive Essay

    The concept of lobbying means influencing state authorities in the interest of certain political, economic or social groups. In Poland, the term ‘lobbying’ appeared in public debates after 1989 and immediately took on a pejorative meaning. He was associated with corruption, behind-the-scenes dealing with cases and breaking the law. A negative look at the issue…

  • Pros and Cons of Lobbying

    Introduction Corporate social performance (CSP) refers to the outcomes of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. These initiatives may include the practices and principles that businesses employ in their relation with certain stakeholders, such as communities, organizations, or institutions. The economic and political sphere has become more integrated with the growth of globalization, and businesses have…