Category: Marriage

  • Marriage or Cohabitation: Benefits and Drawbacks

    There was a very long period of time in the history of human relationships when marriage was the preferred method of indicating a permanent coupling between a man and a woman. Since marriage had a huge historical significance in society, pairs who chose to live together or cohabit were shunned by society at large. However,…

  • Same-Sex Marriage: US Laws and Attitudes

    Table of Contents Introduction Court rulings Modern attitude Conclusion References Introduction There has been a heated debate regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage for over a decade now. While the idea still seems novel to many American citizens, there seems to be a general trend of acceptance of same-sex couples, similar to how the US…

  • Discriminatory Traditions Regarding Marriage in Egypt

    Introduction Family is one of the fundamental institutions that regulate the functioning the society and precondition its further development. For this reason, marriage as one of the forms of creating families has always been given much attention by people. Since the first stages of the evolution of communities, different forms of marriage were introduced. However,…

  • Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shii Iran

    Table of Contents Summary Thesis and Purpose Support of the Key Arguments Strengths and Weaknesses Audience, Methodology, and Sources Concluding Remarks and Questions Answered Work Cited Summary Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shii Iran by Shahla Haeri (first published in October 1988) is a scholarly account related to the practice of temporary marriage within…

  • Same Sex Marriages in Australia

    Table of Contents Introduction Reflection of Social Justice Principles and Human Rights Interest Groups and Their Motives Conclusion References Introduction Same sex marriages and relationships have become common in modern societies due to the expansive democratic space offered by constitutions (Sullivan 2011). People misinterpret constitutions to behave in ways that make them happy even if…

  • Can Marriage End Poverty?

    The role of marriage Marriage and poverty are sensitive issues especially when matters about a familys well-being remain a priority. Marriage is the unification of a man and a female; furthermore, it should be legal. Conversely, poverty is a state when one lives under unfavorable conditions due to a shortage of finances. Marry-Ann in his…

  • Same-Sex Marriage Legality: Discussion

    Outline Same-sex marriage is becoming common and accepted legally and socially in many societies. This is more common in more advanced economies like the UK, Europe and the USA. There are three factors that affect same sex marriage namely society, legal factors and religion. It appears that it is the legal factor that concerns couples…

  • Is the Institution of Marriage at Risk?

    The world of present days is about to ignore the institution of marriage. I can say so because of a personal survey on the problem. The thing is that humanity coming forward towards technical and scientific advantages omits the moral part of its essence. The most needful values seem to have been trite totally and,…

  • Polygamous Marriage in TV Series Big Love Season 1

    Since television has occupied a considerable place in the life of people nowadays, and it is considered to be one of the most influential sources of information, it is easy and useful to find appropriate material for analysis among popular modern TV shows and films. The constant presence of television in our life arouses the…

  • Two-Lives, One Partner: Indo-Canadian Youth Between Love and Arranged Marriages

    Table of Contents Statement of the problem The purpose of the writing The main idea of the article Methods Discussion of the results Evaluation of the writing Works cited Statement of the problem The main problem is stated by N. Netting in the following way: Indo-Canadian young people are nowadays living a dual life: on…