Category: Mental Illness

  • Mental Illness in Steve Lopezs The Soloist

    The plight of people suffering from mental illnesses often goes unnoticed, and a good number of them end up homeless or in correctional facilities across the country. One of the main symptoms of schizophrenia is the withdrawal from social relations (Izydorczyk et al. 26). The patients are terrified of their own delusions and often avoid…

  • The Nature of Schizophrenia and its Relation to Cognitive Decline

    A psychotic disorder involves a disconnection from reality (Bowie, et. Al, 2016). Whereas, a psychosis is a group of cohesive symptoms that can shape the way one can feel, think or behave (Fioravanti, et. Al, 2015). Psychotic episodes and the feeling attached to this can interfere with your work, family, friends and everyday tasks. People…

  • Music And Health: The Effects And Aspects

    Introduction My playlist is compiled with the aim of aiding a physical exercise routine that I would typically do to maintain my physical health. I wanted to create a music listening experience that would enable me to have increased motivation and energy as I undertook moderate to high-intensity exercise, as well as elicit a calmer…

  • Schizophrenia: Nature of the Problem

    Definition- ‘a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.” (oxford dictionary) Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes some to have…

  • Executive Function with a Focus on Working Memory in Schizophrenia

    Executive function with a focus on working memory in schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a complex disorder with a large heterogeneity within its clinical handbook. Categorised as a disorder of psychosis, it remains an abstract chronic illness that affects one percent of the global population (Nordqvist, C. 2017). With a vast variety of clinical presentations, the exact…

  • Mental Illness as the Strongest Epidemic of Modern Times

    The strongest epidemic we face today, mental illness, is maybe not growing as fast as an infectious disease but it is harder to fix as its not even acknowledged in a right manner or sometimes not even at all. The issue peeks through popular music as top charts are filled with songs about depression, anxiety,…

  • Biopsychological Analysis of A Beautiful Mind

    Schizophrenia, a term introduced by Bleuler, names a persistent, often chronic and usually serious mental disorder affecting a variety of aspects of behavior, thinking, and emotion. Biopsychology analyzes how the brain influences behavior, feelings, and thoughts (Kalat, 2016). Peculiar behaviors may be associated with social withdrawal and disinterest. A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 biographical…

  • Poetry as a Cure for Teenage Mental Illness

    You may think poetry is useless and dull, which it can be, but it also an amazing way to be creative and show what you feel. Poetry dates back thousands of years to the earliest literate cultures, before even written texts. In these times it was used for remembering history or law. Throughout centuries it…

  • Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Works of Goya and Gericault

    Having died only four years apart from each other, it seems inevitable that these two extremely influential artists would have had some striking similarities in their work, from their preferred media to their actual subject matter; the large host of struggles they faced led them on a surprisingly similar path, depicting their own mental illness…

  • The Correlation of Schizophrenia and Crimes

    Mental illness as a general term is defined as any of numerous disorders categorised by impairment of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, or social functioning. Types of mental illnesses may include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, psychotic disorder etc. It has been discussed that mental illness is linked to crime. As public opinion surveys highlight that mentally…