Category: Military

  • Critical Decisions Making: Get Out of the Military

    Table of Contents Introduction Making high stakes decisions Cognitive biases The wisdom of crowds Deciding how to decide Normalizing deviance Creativity and brainstorming Works cited Introduction Critical decisions are important because they determine the destiny of our actions. In defining critical decisions, they are decisions one makes in certain situations, such that the decisions affect…

  • The King Fahd Military Medical Complex: Patient Improvement

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of Investigations Current Process and its Modeling Suggested Process Improvement Recommended Benefits of Adopting the New Technology Works Cited Introduction This report discusses process improvement at the King Fahd Military Medical Complexs accident and emergency department. In the last two years, there has been a rise in the number of…

  • Military Organization: Leveraging Human Capital

    Table of Contents Introduction Evaluation of the Current Employee Status Encouraging Employees Leveraging on Employee Assets Vision for the Targeted Culture Integrating Incentives and Rewards Conclusion References Introduction Organizational leaders must use powerful strategies to empower, guide, and motivate their followers. Numerous models can be implemented in a given workplace depending on the emerging needs…

  • Combat to Corporate: Military Traits in Business

    Table of Contents The Tentative Title of the Study The Drivers of Interest in the Research Topic The Problem that Research Might Address The Puzzle about the Area of Interest to be Solved Suggested Research Questions References The Tentative Title of the Study The spheres of business and leadership have become significant subjects of scholarly…

  • Military Bases on Okinawa: Impact on Economy

    The Japan-US relations have been a complex issue for a long period of time1. The problems based on the idea of the American military bases on the territory of Japan, Okinawa in particular, caused a number of discussions as it had a certain impact on the countrys economic and political relations. The Okinawans do not…

  • American Military Approaches in the East

    Table of Contents Korea: Rebirth of Limited War Vietnam I: Insurgency Vietnam II: Vietnamization Rebuilding a Broken Army The American Way of War: Operation Desert Storm and Beyond Reference List Korea: Rebirth of Limited War The Korean War was triggered by the miscalculations of the North Korean Communist military by crossing the 38th Parallel. This…

  • Military Commissions and Terrorism Prevention

    International terrorism still presents a significant problem that has an impact on people in both developed and developing countries. The measures aimed at reducing the spread of international terrorism should align with international laws. Thus, the legal authority of military commissions is an important question to be discussed. In reference to the prosecution of international…

  • When Military Force Is Justified

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The use of military force implies war, and the repercussions are normally far-reaching. During a war, the collateral damage is usually innocent people who die unnecessarily. Therefore, before the declaration of war against a perceived enemy, there should be strong justification that such a decision…

  • Belizes Military Capability

    Introduction Belize has the bare-bones self-defense force that can only act defensively. Historically, Belize relied on the United Kingdom for protection from a possible invasion by Guatemala. After recognizing the independence of Belize, British forces left the country, leaving only a training base. Currently, Belizes military includes two infantry battalions and one battalion consisting of…

  • Shooting at Military Recruiting Center: Identification, Description, Historical Background

    The attack occurred at Chattanooga on July 16, 2015, when a 24-year old Kuwaiti gunman stormed a military recruiting station and opened fire to trainees before rushing to a Navy reserve facility seven miles away. In this center, he executed four US Marine officers on the spot in a fenced-in motor pool. This incident elicited…