Category: Mindfulness

  • How Mindfulness Helps with Premenstrual Syndrome

    Introduction The following paper discusses premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the use of meditation to alleviate negative symptoms. As most women experience PMS for most of their adult lives, this issue is prominent for billions worldwide. The recent studies included in this review include samples from researchers from different countries to ensure a larger scope. Furthermore,…

  • Mindfulness Practicing: Personal Experience

    Table of Contents Introduction Personal Experience in Mindfulness Practicing Conclusion Reference Introduction It goes without saying that mindfulness cannot be regarded as the solution to all problems. However, the practice of mindfulness-based intervention may have a positive impact on stress reduction and improve life quality. This paper describes my personal experience in mindfulness practicing and…

  • Using Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Pain Management

    What article did you choose? The article chosen for the assignment was Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis by Hilton et al. (2017). Why did you select this article versus the others? There are several reasons why I chose this article. First, the type of study used by the research team is…

  • Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy & Chemotherapy

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Design Research Sample Data Collection Methods Limitations of the Study Research Findings Summary References Introduction Cancer is a dangerous affliction that remains one of the primary causes of human mortality, along with heart and lung diseases (WHO, 2017). Out of all available methods of treatment, chemotherapy remains the…

  • Mindfulness-Based Nutrition for Students

    Problem Statement or Research Question The research question for the final assignment: What is mindful eating, and how is it beneficial for students? Databases ERIC, APA PsycINFO, Education Source. Annotation Bibliography Nathalie Lyzwinski, L., Caffery, L., Bambling, M., & Edirippulige, S. (2018). University students perspectives on mindfulness and mHealth: a qualitative exploratory study. American Journal of…

  • The Impact Of Mindfulness Practices To Treat Anxiety In Teenagers

    Research shows the efficacy to treat many stresses in todays life that result in anxiety in Latino teenagers (Edwards, et al. 2014). Mindfulness interventions have become more popular in the last decade in working with teenagers’ research (Edwards, et al. 2014). Mindfulness meditation techniques support teenagers to focus on the present helping them to recognize…