Category: Mission

  • The Dangers Of Space Exploration

    According to scientists, 99.9% of the population would believe anything that is said with  According to scientists, So Im going to use that. According to scientists, Space exploration is dangerous in many ways and I’d give you some good reasons, It’s just sending a tin can to space, have you asked yourself is it…

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Space Exploration

    The experimentation and research in space explorations require huge amount of investments and the money for government funded projects come from the taxpayers. Thus, it is important to look at the advantages and the disadvantages to ensure that this is the right use of the taxpayers money. One of the advantages that has been already…

  • Space Exploration: Worth It Or Not?

    Ever feel like your taxes are being put to a waste? Millions of dollars could, and are being wasted right now, especially on interstellar travel, also known as space exploration. Although it has it many benefits, I strongly think space exploration is dangerous, expensive, creates space debris and is especially not worth the risks it!…

  • Mission Statement for Shoes Company

    Introduction: The daily use of shoes cannot be overemphasized, most times getting a new shoe is expensive and this makes the idea of used shoes a very good alternative. Used shoes will boost the idea of recycling as the government of Greece is encouraging the idea of making use of already-used products. Many countries especially…

  • Toms Shoes Mission Statement

    For most, shoes are easy to obtain and dispose of, but for some that is not the case. Toms’s shoe brand engages with people around the globe to bring shoes to those in need. Toms give their shoes to people that do not have access to shoes or can not afford them. This action is…

  • Personal Narrative Essay on a Mission Trip

    A short-term mission trip can be defined as a trip in which volunteers travel to a new location for one to three weeks to serve communities and often share their religious beliefs. On a mission trip, teams may partake in activities like painting or building houses, hosting clothing giveaways, or simply building relationships with residents…

  • Space Is Not Worth The Money?

    1.6 billion people are homeless in the world (As Cities Grow, So Do the Numbers of Homeless.). Something happened the other day that I cant ever get out of my head. There was this guy that was probably in the war, he had one arm and one leg, he was a black man and he…

  • Should Space Exploration Be Funded?

    The United States has spent $601.31 billion on NASA since its inception. The total estimate is $1.32 trillion when adjusted for inflation, an average of $22.03 billion annually over its entire history. The budget for fiscal year 2020 for the National Aeronautic Space Administration is $21 billion. It is an increase of 1.4 percent compared…