Category: Modern Society

  • Relevance of Hobbes’ Social Contract Theory to Modern Society: Analytical Essay

    Introduction During the enlightenment period many philosophers presented commentaries on the political realm of their society. Such writings have encouraged revolutions such as: the English, American and French revolution. One observes that Enlightenment philosophers operated on the notion that the existing social and political orders could not withstand critical scrutiny and were rooted in religious…

  • Pros and Cons of Rousseaus Social Contract Theory and Its Applicability to Modern Day Society

    Introduction Over the centuries there have been many philosophers who have sought to explain how political systems are formed, how they work and which one is the best form of rule. This has brought about many different theories from philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. While some of these theories have been accepted, other theories…

  • The Factors Of Rape Culture In Modern Society

    Rapists are usually the very clear choice as to the person to blame in rape cases. If this is a common thing then why is it said that often times it is the girls fault. If she wasnt at the party, if she didnt drink so much, if her clothes werent so revealing and if…

  • Modern Day Racism In The USA

    ABSTRACT In modern day America, racism is still the most pressing issue which is against humanity and is causing people to hate each other. The ratio of this hatred will only increase if a final solution is not followed. Even after the rapid industrial and economic growth of the United States of America people still…

  • Is Shakespeare Still Relevant Nowadays?

    William Shakespeare was a playwright, actor and poet. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England and while his date of birth is unknown but he was baptised on the 26th April, 1564. The first play he ever wrote was Henry VI, Part I, in 1590 and the first play of his to be performed was Henry…

  • Why is Shakespeare Still Relevant Today Essay

    William Shakespeare was an English poet, actor, and playwright, known as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s greatest dramatist. He was born in April 1564 and died on 23 April 1616. Shakespeare wrote three main sorts of plays, histories, comedies and his most well known, tragedies. His plays include Julius Caesar,…

  • Why is Shakespeare Relevant?

    Shakespeare is still relevant today for his insight into human behavior and experiences, and in the way he represents aspects of human life, including love, loss, greed and hate. These insights into human life that Shakespeare represented in his plays reflect a lot of the modern society we have today, and provide people with a…

  • The Relevance of William Shakespeare in Modern World

    I believe that William Shakespeare is one of the most well-known writers in the world today and many people would agree with me when I say he is one of or the best British writers and playmakers. Even though he is a tremendously old writer and playmaker his stories and plays are still very relevant…

  • The Concept of Satire in Modern Society

    Media satire is a freedom of speech which has resulted in a perception that barriers our country and citizen. It is easier to communicate and share ideas easier than ever before. Furthermore, allow people to express their ideas and perspectives, comedic or not. This essay will examine the importance of freedom of speech that allows…

  • Importance of Thomas More for Modern Society

    The three parts of the movie that I found particularly meaningful and moving is when Thomas More refuses to sign the document by the Cardinals because he felt like it was not the right thing to do. That stood out to me because Thomas stayed true to himself and never gave in and that is…