Category: Nurse

  • The Problem Of Overworked Nurse

    Sarah E. Jorgensen RN, left the nursing profession after being a part of the emergency field for seventeen years. In her article Heres why I left nursing she talks about how the field took a toll on her. Leaving the nursing profession is bittersweet. My heart left nursing a while ago when I came to…

  • The Journey Of A Nurse Practitioner

    There are various fields available in the world today. The healthcare field is a field that plays a major role in our daily lives. Our health is part of who we are. Your overall health helps determine the efficiency of your ability to carry out daily tasks. There are various people that specialize in the…

  • Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nurses And Pharmacists

    Principles of the Care Professions Nurses work in a multi- disciplinary team, working in different settings and care for patients suffering from a variety of health conditions, ranging from minor injuries and ailments to acute and long-term illnesses and diseases. (AGCAS Editors, 2019) Comparing this to what a pharmacist entails, they also work as part…

  • Social Justice in Nursing: Opinion Essay

    Social justice is the action of trying to eliminate, if not reduce the disadvantages experienced by certain groups in populations by distributing resources fairly throughout the population. When talking about resources, it is meant as more than just services that are available, such as public transit. They are defined as an aspect of having a…

  • Nurses Role in Communication

    The primary search strategy for this literature review involved a search of the Scopus electronic journal database. Key words in the search included roles of nurses in communication. Additionally the phrase ensure effective was included. Articles were sorted using the relevance function. Despite a large number of initial results after removing articles not relevant to…

  • Workplace Violence Among Nurses and Midwives

    Nurses and midwives made vital contributions to the healthcare industry, providing health services to people of all ages, experiencing various forms of diseases and illness (WHO, 2020). It is the profession that requires lots of compassion and dedication since being a nurse is not without its challenges. The shortage of staff, violence and assault in…

  • Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay

    Why do I want to Be a Nurse? My name is Krista. I was born and raised in Florida. I grew up being surrounded by so many influential people. My mom was a pediatric oncology nurse and my father was a combat medic in the United States Army, my grandmother was a nurse for 40…

  • Nursing Scholarship Essay Example

    I am writing this essay to express my interest in the American government scholarship for young Christians for a bachelor of nursing science. as you can see from my CV, I have always shown interest in working with patients I have a relevant experience from voluntary work which I carried out at private clinic. My…

  • Nursing Self Evaluation Essay

    Introduction Becoming a nurse has been a transformative journey filled with learning, challenges, and self-discovery. As I reflect upon my experiences, this personal narrative essay aims to provide a candid self-evaluation of my growth as a nurse, highlighting the areas in which I have excelled and those that require further development. Through introspection and self-assessment,…

  • Nursing Values and Beliefs in Working with Patients with Chronic Diseases: Critical Essay

    Today, the number of people suffering from chronic diseases is increasing in the world. In addition to being the most common and costly, these health conditions require strong professional qualities, values, and beliefs of health professionals in their intervention. Nursing values and beliefs are essential to the practice of nursing as they guide the standards…