Category: Personal Beliefs

  • Personal Philosophy of Education: Opinion Essay

    When the author reflects on her experiences in various school settings, it is evident that there has been progression and development from the author’s first partnered placement to the most recent 12-week extended placement. The author has seen progression in not only her teaching but in her favoured strategies and methodologies to use. Similarly, her…

  • Role Model Can Do It All

    It is important that everyone has a role model because having a role model can help you in the future with life problems; because having the role model means they either help you through or they teach you to dodge world problems. In 8th grade I was a regular guy until basketball season came around…

  • Freedom as a Philosophy of Life

    Each person has own different philosophy in life. It will depend on the experience we have in life. There are people will have seen life in the same way but no one will be exactly similar philosophy in life. The way we have experience in life has changes, it may think once but it will…

  • My Philosophy of Life: I Think; Therefore I am

    Philosophy, etymologically, came from the word Philos which means love and Sophia which means wisdom. Hence, it literally means love of wisdom. There are certain individuals that engage in philosophy called philosophers, that is, a lover of wisdom. These individuals, called philosophers, are the people who question the very being and origin of Man. They…

  • Philosophy of Life: Smile, Laugh and Love

    My philosophy in life could be different to others. Cause our philosopy will be depending on our different experience in life. I’ve experience of sometimes lossing someone, and feeling of doesn’t have anything in life and not all could experience on it. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but not…

  • Personal Values Essay

    Personal Values My personal values lean in a more politically liberal, based significantly on the ideal that government should be taking care of its citizens. A successful, or good, the government has systems in place to help each individual member of the community succeed. Our current government is set up in such a way where…

  • American Values Essay

    Introduction People from all over the world are raised in certain cultures and participate in specific customs and traditions. They follow the same thoughts and the same traditions. They dont always have the same idea, but at least they have natural humanity and simple social skills. American values and assumptions include all cultures. They engage…

  • What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay

    There is no limit to learning, there are many things to be learnt during travels. And in this essay, I will explain some of the essential things I learnt from my last trip. The only way I was able to learn during my trip was by opening up my mind to the freedom and lessons…

  • What is Trust? Essay

    Sustain Trust When you start trusting you are basically exposing yourself to vulnerability of betrayal with expectations of not being betrayed. If you once asked yourself why do you have to sustain trust its primarily because takes huge amount of courage to trust and which you give up control to what is valuable to you…

  • Personal Credo Essay

    Introduction In life, we are constantly navigating through a myriad of choices and experiences that shape who we are. Throughout my journey, I have come to embrace a personal credo that centers around the value of authenticity. This narrative essay will delve into the essence of my personal credo and how it has guided me…