Category: Plague

  • The Black Plague and Its Social Impact

    Table of Contents Introduction Public frustration Class transformations Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Plague or the Black Death was the most catastrophic epidemic in the history of humanity. It devastated the populations of cities and villages and caused considerable political and social changes. Within the passing of only a few years, the population of Europe…

  • Plague Caused by Contact Between Humans and Animals

    Plague has always been one of the major diseases that has killed large numbers of people over the centuries. It struck the imagination with her deadly power and was perceived as a punishment of the gods or God. For Europeans living in the 14th-18th centuries, regular outbreaks of the plague were a frightening daily routine.…

  • The Bubonic Plague: History, Causes and Symptoms

    Table of Contents Introduction History The Black Death Causes Transmission Within and Outside Asia Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment Epidemiology Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Bubonic plague is one of the three forms of plague that are transmitted by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. After infection, the microorganism undergoes an incubation period of seven days and…