Category: Plato

  • Douglass Learning to Read and Platos Allegory of the Cave

    Frederick Douglasss Learning to Read and Platos Allegory of the Cave share the idea that knowledge is decisive and crucial for the self-awareness of a person. People need to become enlightened to live a good life and contribute to the worlds development. Once the individual realizes his or her place in the world, he or…

  • How Art Represents Reality in Platos View

    Table of Contents Plato & Aristotles View of Art Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, & Heideggers View of Art Avocado & Artichoke View Relationship Between Art & Philosophy References Plato & Aristotles View of Art According to Plato, art is an imitation of things in the real world. However, these things for the philosopher were only shadows…

  • Glaucon and Adeimantus Issue Challenge to Plato: Essay on Ring of Gyges

    Glaukon and Adeimantus, both of Plato’s siblings, decided to investigate the superiority of justice. The second book of the Republic begins with Glaucon’s competitiveness against the righteousness of Socrates. Glavko said that the multitude is usually limited and unwise and that justice is not the shell. Instead, justice is important (evaluated for useful issues). Glaukon…

  • Inferiority of Women According to Plato and Sophocles

    Sophocles, a renowned author from Athens, once stated that to women silence is their proper grace, which suggests that women are better off keeping their opinions to themselves and letting men hold all the power. The quote above reflects Athenian societys view that women are not equivalent to men. The following essay details the biases…

  • Ideas Of Plato In The Context Of Contemporary Science

    This essay will discuss the significance of Platos theorys and how they may or may not affect scientists ideas. These ideas may be affected by Platos belief in a priori knowledge. This means theorys using reason rather than experience. Reason meaning using knowledge and common sense to come to a justified conclusion on a scientific…

  • Inferiority of Women According to Plato and Sophocles

    Sophocles, a renowned author from Athens, once stated that to women silence is their proper grace, which suggests that women are better off keeping their opinions to themselves and letting men hold all the power. The quote above reflects Athenian societys view that women are not equivalent to men. The following essay details the biases…

  • The Relevance Of Plato Cavern And Tao Te Ching To Today’s Society

    The aim of philosophy is to clarify the answer any question about life on this Earth. Philosophy is a tool to understand the reality and existence, and each philosopher has his own way to analyze it. In this essay, two important philosophy texts of philosophers Plato and Laozi are going to be compared which are…

  • Socrates’ and Plato’s Perceptive and View of Philosophical Life

    Platos views can be seen firmly throughout his expressive dialogue. Plato encouraged his readers to take into account how often the general public has no appreciation for the value behind philosophy. Through his many teachings of Socrates, the dialogue of Plato represents his perceptive and view of philosophical life as he became disgusted with political…

  • Platos Use of Myths and Stories in His Republic: An Essay

    Throughout the Republic Plato looks at many themes and uses a wide range of stories and myths to make and back up his various points. There are many different myths and stories used throughout this dialogue and it would be difficult to look at every single instance Plato reference one of these works, picking out…

  • Analysis of ‘The Apology’ by Plato

    Plato wrote The Apology in 400 B.C. chronicling Socrates trial in Athens. Socrates is speaking to the court on the good will of his actions. Socrates introduces himself to the court as a man of good character and addresses the claims against him. Socrates explains to the court that the persuasive words of his accusers…