Category: Pollution

  • Traffic and Pollution in Los Angeles

    Pollution caused by cars and other types of transport is a well-known problem connected with the development of modern technology. In Los Angeles and other cities in the United States, high car fuel consumption causes both environmental and health issues. The most cost-effective solution is to replace all cars in the city with donkeys to…

  • Fish Consumption Limits Due to Mercury Pollution

    Introduction Fish is vital in any healthy diet. They are a lean, low-calorie source of protein and are normally recommended by health experts around the world. However, scientists have discovered that some species of fish contain methylmercury or other chemicals that are harmful to the body at higher concentrations. The levels of these chemicals in…

  • The Amazon Pollution and Its Effect on Birds

    Table of Contents Introduction Current State of the Territory Impact on Birds Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The large territory of the Amazon, due to its many tributaries, is the home of various species of birds. Despite the fact that big districts of this water area are not inhabited by people, pollution problems affect this region…

  • Garbage Pollutions Impact on Air, Water and Land

    Table of Contents Introduction Background and Consequences Points of View Solution Conclusion References Introduction Often, the modern benefits of civilization create convenience for people and cause irreparable damage to nature. In the last ten years alone, more plastic products have been produced worldwide than in the previous century. The exponential increase in the amount of…

  • Pollution Forms, Effects and Mitigation

    Abstract Pollution is a major global issue that affects all countries. It is imperative to note that human activity is a major cause of pollution. As such, in attempts to mitigate environmental pollution, human activities should be regulated. This article discusses the major forms of pollution, including air, water, noise, and soil pollution. Key emphasis…

  • Noise Pollution: A Closer Look at the Problem

    Environmental issues are very important for modern people, because the future of humanity fairly depends on natural conditions. One of the most serious environmental problems nowadays is noise pollution. Noise pollution occurs in the area where the excessive amount of unpleasant sound is produced. Environmental noises are widespread all over the world and are particularly…

  • Noise Pollution Issue Investigation

    Table of Contents Introduction Governmental Responsibility Measurements and Research Ways to Regulate the Noise Level Engaging People Obstacles Conclusion References Introduction Environmental issues are particularly serious and urgent in the modern world. A broad range of environmental concerns includes such problems as climate change, waste disposal, and various types of pollution. Sound pollution is not…

  • How Pollution Is Poisoning the Leisure and Recreation Industry

    Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment. Pollution can take the form of air, water, land and noise pollution (Spengler, John, and Sexton, 1983). Of importance is the fact that these contaminants enter the environment through human activity. Human activities like farming, mining, construction, and transportation have contributed to environmental degradation. Pollution harms…

  • Preventing Land Pollution With Effective Measures

    Every human activity that results in natural environment degradation can be perceived as pollution. Land pollution occurs through the contamination of land with liquid or solid waste materials. While pollution has existed for a long time throughout human history, land pollution presents one of the most significant issues modern society faces. Soil fertility depends on…

  • Will Banning Plastic Bags Not Solve Pollution Problem?

    Plastic bags provoke problems for both environment and human health. They go to landfills or to the ocean, where the garbage islands are accumulating. These are immense masses of waste generated in the ocean due to currents. Plastic is often dumped directly into the seas or gets there from rivers. Drifting debris of extremely slowly…