Category: Pregnancy

  • Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

    The birth rate is one of the most important factors determining demographic health in any society. One of the major problems in this area is teen pregnancy, which implies consequences for health, social status, and economic state for numerous families all over the world. However, it influences not only households but the whole communities and…

  • Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Mother and Child

    Introduction One of the most pressing social problems is teenage pregnancy. In particular, it concerns underdeveloped countries, areas with a low level of sexual education, widespread adolescent marriages, and a low level of universal development. Teenage pregnancy is of particular interest for research as it has an effect not only on the young mother but…

  • Teenage Pregnancy Problem

    Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and health problem that every government is trying to address. Some worlds governments have allocated financial support to the relevant ministries and departments in their national budgets. The government of the United States of…

  • Development of Protocols for Early Pregnancy

    Abstract This study analyzes the development of early pregnancy protocols that can be potentially useful to clinicians when dealing with the care of pregnant mothers experiencing non-viable pregnancies like complete miscarriage, incomplete miscarriage, and delay miscarriage; pregnancy of unknown location; intrauterine pregnancies of unknown viability; ectopic pregnancies and hydatidiform pregnancies. Its established that ultrasonography can…

  • Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy

    Introduction The type of food a woman consumes during pregnancy is very important because it is the babys main source of nourishment, and as a result, it determines the health of the baby. Health experts recommend that a pregnant woman chooses healthy foods that supply the necessary nutrients required for the optimum growth and development…

  • Optimal Growth and Development: Pregnancy

    Table of Contents Introduction Prenatal care and fetal development Nutrition during Pregnancy Pregnancy and infant care facilities Substance use during Pregnancy Recommendation Reference List Introduction Ensuring the health of the people is one of the major roles of any government. Even at the personal level, health concerns are very important. Health needs vary in different…

  • Adolescent Pregnancy in the USA

    Teen pregnancy in the US is a major problem that impacts society in many ways. Adolescent pregnancy leads to serious health problems and underachievement in school for the teens and an increase in public expenditure for the government (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019). The key factors contributing to the issue are poverty…

  • Pregnancy, Fetal Development and the Mother

    Table of Contents Introduction Pregnancy Fetal Development Stages Effects of Pregnancy on the Mother Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In any society, the continuation of the human species or generations is a compulsory factor, which all humans must endeavor to achieve; a factor that depends on womens ability to give birth. In this regard, the childbearing…

  • Sex Education Curricula can and has Reduced the Number of Pregnancies in Fayette and Shelby County

    Introduction Throughout the United States, teen pregnancy is a major problem and a cause for concern. The United States ranks top among the developed nations in cases of pregnancies before the age of twenty. About 10% of females between 15 and 20 get pregnant every year which is approximately 890000 teens. Statistics show that more…

  • School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy Conclusion Reference List Abstract This essay provides an overview of school sex education and teenage pregnancy in the United States. The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy. Nonetheless, United States is one…