Category: Profession

  • Physical Therapist: Reasons to Choose the Profession

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Physiotherapy Conclusion References Abstract Physiotherapists play a significant role in the prevention, treatment, and management of disabling health conditions that occur due to injuries, diseases, and/or aging. Effective prevention, treatment, and management of physical disabilities require the services of physiotherapists. Thus, for healthcare systems to enhance the recovery of patients,…

  • Public Trust in the Dental Profession

    Table of Contents Summary Background Assessment Causes Plan References Summary The importance of trust between patients and healthcare experts, particularly professionals representing a specific healthcare field, is often underrated. However, people trusting in a certain medical profession often defines the extent to which they take pieces of advice dispensed by experts in question into account…

  • Dentistry: Reasons to Choose the Profession

    My dream to become a dentist is rooted in the passion I have for the profession as well as my attitude and abilities to become a dentist. I have had an experience of an infected molar and thus understand what it means to have some infected teeth. The interaction I had with the dentist while…

  • Remembering Who You Were: The Profession of the Teacher

    Introduction A teacher& a schoolteacher&  frequently pronouncing these words, we do not think, what role in our difficult life they play. The profession of teacher connects together the capability for contact, understanding and knowledge of people. From the early years the child learns to get to know its surrounding world, and in order to…

  • An Online Instructor: Aspects of Profession

    Being an online instructor had been my dream for a long time. Having seen and heard from others on the advantages and gains of working as an instructor, I had my eyes set on becoming the best online instructor possible. Higher education has been the most sought after level of education over the last decade…

  • Malpractice in the Medical Profession: Iturralde v. Hilo Medical Centre

    Table of Contents Summary Malpractice Policies Malpractice Case for the Standard of Care Impact of Malpractice on Cultural Backgrounds Malpractice and Accountability References Summary This paper provides a discussion of malpractice in the medical profession. The lawsuit in this study involved a surgeon, a patient and a state-owned medical center in two thousand and one.…

  • Reasons Why Nurses Are Choosing To Quit the Profession

    Table of Contents Introduction Nursing and the nurse Work environment Patient-related courses Fatigue and exhaustion Conclusion and Recommendations References Introduction In any profession, a person training has a different feeling of the profession while still on training and a real-life situation at the place of work. Naivety is sometimes nominated as a course in the…

  • The Profession of Nurse: Importance, Required Skills

    Growing up as a young child, I spend most of my childhood at my grandparents house. Both my parents had traveled to another city due to their job demands and they did not want to inconvenience me by forcing me to accompany them. Both my grandparents were relatively old. One day, my grandmother fell sick…

  • Overview of Physical Therapist Profession

    Physical therapists provide services and aid to patients including accident victims and diseased or injured individuals, to restore and enhance the functioning and the mobility of their body organs with the crucial aim of preventing disabilities of a permanent nature that have resulted from disease or injury (U.S. Department of Labor, 2007). Physical therapists are…

  • Deputy Sheriff Profession: Reasons for Choosing

    We live in uncertain times. Gone are the days when one could walk the streets any time of the day or night with the confidence that no harm would be put upon your person or belongings. These days, we look at each other with anxiety because of the continuing rise in the crime rate of…