Category: Public Relations

  • Public Relations Campaign

    Table of Contents Background Community Relations Government Relations The News Release Content and Style of the News Release Planning Issues Related to Crisis Management References Background A public relations campaigns objectives, target audience, organizations goals, and required communication medium must all be defined in a complete Media Plan before the campaign can be successful. A…

  • The 2008 Beijing Olympics: Public Relations Issues

    Analyze the reasons why the Chinese government hired a Western public relations firm to work on the 2008 Beijing Olympics There are several reasons as to why the Chinese government decided to hire a western public relations firm during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. One of the reasons stems from the challenges the Chinese government had undergone…

  • Larry Summerss Public Relations Advisor: Case Study

    Management of organizations is a difficult task especially when the manager is not on good terms with his subordinates. The manager is required to be critical of the interests of his or her subordinates since failure to address them may lead to them looking for excuses to topple him or her. Before making any key…

  • Role of Public Relations Staff in a Sports Organization

    Table of Contents Introduction Crisis Defined Sports Public Relations Objectives of Crisis Communications Communication Tools/Channels Methods of Managing a Crisis Conclusion References Sports organizations are increasingly being seen as business entities for providing monetary returns, fame, and success to all sports practitioners. These are nowadays driven by their owners or top executives along the lines…

  • Sea Shepherd: Public Relations Proposal

    Executive Summary Sea shepherd is an international non-governmental organization involved in the activities aimed at conserving the whales. Sea shepherd believes that, the whales need to be preserved for the future generation to have the opportunity to see them. The organization has faced stiff opposition and criticisms from the various corporations and also from the…

  • Chess Girls DC Organizations Public Relations

    Table of Contents Challenge Description Objectives Identification Target Audience Strategies and Tactics Timeline Evaluation References Challenge Description Chess Girls DC is the non-profit organization that was founded in 2013 by Robin Floyd Ramson in Washington, DC. The organization seeks to inspire girls to play chess, thus developing spatial thinking skills and promoting personal development. The…

  • Public Relations in Organizations: Article Response

    Table of Contents Introduction Significance and implication to strategic communications Strengths and weaknesses Agreements and Disagreements References Introduction Hallahan, Holtzhausen, vanRuler, Vercic & Sriramesh (2007) explored the significance of strategic communication in fulfilling the mission of an organization. The authors indicated that communication directly affects all aspects of an organization including management, public relations, marketing,…

  • DM Public Relations Business Proposal to Agency-net

    Table of Contents Environmental Analysis Strategy Thinking and Planning Strategy Plan Market Expectations New Business Opportunities Decision-maker briefing notes References Environmental Analysis It is well accepted that the advertising industry is a necessity to our society. The industrys capacity to advance and to bring advertising at viable prices is a fundamental requirement for all. Elementary…

  • Public Relations: Preparing for a Job

    Friedmans suggestion about the requirements for applications in public relations seemingly undervalues the work and role of public relations specialists. Viewing the work of public relations specialists through the lens of added value allows Friedman and other wide audiences an opportunity to undervalue the role of public relations in the hyperconnected world (2011). However, Friedman…

  • Cyber and Public Relations in an Organization

    Table of Contents Cyber and Public Relations The Success of Social Media in Promoting PR Weaknesses of Social Media in PR World Examples of Challenges of Cyber PR References Cyber and Public Relations Public relations professionals play a critical role in promoting an organizations activities to the public. The advancement of technology in the modern…