Category: Rape

  • The Importance Of Sexual Assault Kits



    Throughout the United States there has been thousands of untested rape kits that have not been submitted by the police for forensic DNA testing. And although to some it might sound alarming to others the police wich are the people that should be in charge and the ones people believe in to do their job…

  • Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Analysis



    Introduction to Connie’s Character and Family Dynamics In the short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie, a 15 years old who is protagonist, is constantly worried about her appearance. Her mother and aunts scolds her for simply admiring herself in the mirror and her looks, however Connie…

  • The Legal Issue Of Rape Sentencing In Queensland



    Introduction The issue of offences against a person/s, such as rape is creating legal debate in Australia. The existing legislation in all states and territories of Australia enforces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The purpose of this report is to examine the legal concepts of rape sentencing issues in Queensland as well as determine…

  • Rape Representation In Media And Its Effects On Victim Blaming



    Rape culture and the practice of victim blaming are inherently a linked phenomena, and both are prevalent in Australian society. The existence of a rape culture which normalizes sexual violence and blames rape victims for the attacks against them strongly affects the Australian criminal justice system, influencing both the outcomes of rape trials and the…

  • The Main Ideas Of The Short Story Where Are You Going Where Have You Been?



    Where are you going, where have you been?” Is set to be in suburban of America in the 1960s, a global change the sex revolution, women lacked important control over their lives. In Joyce Carol Oates one can see how she views particularly effective on the American life as a situation of invasion, abduction, rape…

  • The Legislation Of Rape And How Rape Has Been Dealt With Over History



    Rape is a sexual assault that occurs when one or more individuals put themselves on someone without there consent. This can be done in many ways for example this can be done by force or by being threatened or by being manipulated, it is the name of statutory crimes in the united kingdom, northern islands,…