Category: Real Estate

  • D. M. Pan National Real Estate Companys Housing Price Prediction Model

    Table of Contents Introduction Data Collection Data Analysis The Regression Model The Line of Best Fit Conclusions Introduction This report was commissioned by the CEO of D. M. Pan National Real Estate. The purpose of this report is to provide a benchmark price for square foot of real estate based on the statistical analysis of…

  • Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Political and Legal Factors to Consider

    When engaging in international business, investors must comprehensively consider the political and legal factors existing in their preferred investment countries. These factors take a central stage since they directly affect the nature of investment and its performance in the state of preference. Political factors come in the form of unanticipated imposition of laws, regulations, and…

  • Factors and Beliefs on Real Estate Markets

    Table of Contents Summary of Factors and my Belief of what is going to Happen Summary of the factors expected to drive the real estate market Factor impact on the real estate market Work Cited Summary of Factors and my Belief of what is going to Happen Most economists according to the article have given…

  • Restriction on Ownership and Its Impact on Real Estate Market

    Summary of the Article Real estate is a sector that has attracted several investments in recent years. The sector growth has attracted several rules and regulations to protect both private and public interests of its acquisition and usage. The USA government federal rules have to a large extent been duplicated in the other states to…

  • Real Estate and Affordable Housing

    Introduction The recent financial crisis in the world has had negative impact on real estate development. Many people have suffered the consequences of the crisis financially. This crisis calls for a measure that provides shelter at a reasonable rent or price. This situation requires developers of real estate to come up with strategies that will…

  • Industry Research Completion: Real Estate Industry

    An industry passes through a sequence of developments and downfalls either due to external factors or any internal grounds. Economic establishment helps to foster the growth of industries present in that particular economy. The role of industry in an economy signifies prosperity in terms of its advantage for respective stakeholders. The interrelated role of stakeholin…

  • Technologies and Trends in the Real Estate Industry in the USA

    The USA as a Global Driver of new Building Technologies and Trends Technology has played a significant role in advancing the building and construction industry as it has mapped the United States among the countries with the most advanced structures. The country has invested greatly in research and technology over the years, which has enabled…

  • The Relative Effect of Property Type and Country Factors in Reduction of Risk of Internationally Diversified Real Estate Portfolios

    Introduction The aim of this dissertation is to identify and study the impact of diversifying portfolios of real estate securities mainly based on two categories. The first category is the geographic diversification of real estate securities portfolio and the other is diversification based on the property type. A substantial number of academic literature can be…

  • Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Factors to Consider

    Assiduous business professionals will agree to the fact that a multiplicity of factors needs to be considered before any decision to invest at an international level is made. Business entities do not exist in a vacuum; they affect and in turn are affected by various cultural, geographic, physical, legal, political and socio-economic aspects existing within…

  • Investment Viability in Real Estate

    Real estate investment is the commitment of finances to the property with the objective of generating income through lease or rental with an aim of capital appreciation in the long run. Real estate is basically land and any developments made to land and the sets of rights acquired with it, which include possession and transfer…