Category: Religious Beliefs

  • Religion And Its Relevance In Today’s Society

    For many years, religion has always been a major topic of discussion, whether that be within modern culture, or from its humble beginnings as early as second-century art. Within my essay, I intend to discover more about religion and the relevance it has in today’s society  through the exploration of both artistic and photographic…

  • Is Religion Good Or Bad For Society?

    Introduction: The Dual Nature of Religion in Society While there are some aspects of region that are positive there are mostly negatives outcomes. The definition of religion is the belief and worship of a controls power. My four avenues of research are does religion cause conflict? How can religion cause equality?How is region good for…

  • How Religion Harms Society

    Religion is a topic which everybody seems an opinion on. The desire to unravel fundamental truths has kept the topic relevant and brought about numerous discussion which never fail to provoke people. There has even been book written and documentaries made. Richard Dawkins The God delusion is one of many controversial documentaries that has gotten…

  • Women In Indian Religion

    Jainism is a well known religion for its religious equality. According to Jainism religion all the creatures that exist on earth are equal and they have their own roles to play for the easy going of life. Jainism is an ancient Indian religion and its followers are called as Jian which means Victory. This consequently…

  • Religious Culture And Women

    The word Culture has plenty of definitions. Some people think that culture is mixed with their blood but if we do a blood test we can not find out culture in blood. Every nation and religion has their own culture and it is connected with other notions. As a methodological basis is used activity concept…

  • Same-Sex Marriage In World Religions

    Religion has always been an integral part of every nation, every nation or every culture. Depending on living conditions, personal conditions or direct or indirect agents, each person has a different viewpoint and religious practices. Social factors also greatly influence religious practice and the growth of religion on every believers. The day-to-day development of modern…

  • Women In Indian Religion

    Jainism is a well known religion for its religious equality. According to Jainism religion all the creatures that exist on earth are equal and they have their own roles to play for the easy going of life. Jainism is an ancient Indian religion and its followers are called as Jian which means Victory. This consequently…

  • Religious Culture And Women

    The word Culture has plenty of definitions. Some people think that culture is mixed with their blood but if we do a blood test we can not find out culture in blood. Every nation and religion has their own culture and it is connected with other notions. As a methodological basis is used activity concept…

  • Same-Sex Marriage In World Religions

    Religion has always been an integral part of every nation, every nation or every culture. Depending on living conditions, personal conditions or direct or indirect agents, each person has a different viewpoint and religious practices. Social factors also greatly influence religious practice and the growth of religion on every believers. The day-to-day development of modern…

  • Sociological Views On Religion And Superstitions

    Religion Religion has sown its seed in human communities for as long the human consciousness can perceive. The reality and the conception of this abstract purity is a lubricant to the human society to dwell in sociological lives. However, the abstract idea of religion has always fallen before questions of logic and scientific understanding, and…