Category: Reproductive Health

  • Human Reproduction: Fertilization

    Introduction Background of the study Fertilization is the initial stage of human reproduction or procreation which involves the fusion of a females ovum or egg with the males sperm in the ampulla of the uterus (Cummings, 2009, p.165). The union occurs when a male and a female engage in sexual intercourse whereby during ejaculation, the…

  • Anabolic Steroids for Male Reproductive System

    Anabolic steroids are one of the most prevalent ergogenic agents used to improve athlete performance. According to Mazzeo (2018), androgen steroids act by binding to a receptor in the cytoplasm and migrating to the nucleus to increment the activity of RNA polymerase, thereby increasing the production of RNA and proteins. Ergogenic substances, therefore, boost the…

  • Reproductive Rights: Plan B

    In the modern civilized democratic society, human rights are of paramount importance. In all spheres of relations regulated by law, a person and a citizen acts as a subject of the corresponding rights, freedoms, and duties. The beginning of the current legislation is the recognition of people, their rights, and freedoms as the highest value.…

  • Human Reproduction: Reproductive Development Process

    Table of Contents Introduction Sexual intercourse and the passage of sperm to the egg Fertilization Implantation and germinal stage Embryonic stage Fetal stage Labor Neonatal period and infancy References Introduction The ability to reproduce, that is, the formation of new generations of individuals of the same species, is one of the main features of living…

  • Assisted Reproduction: Description

    Table of Contents Introduction Assisted Reproduction Technology Description and Categories Clinical Procedures in Assisted Reproduction Conclusion References Introduction The rate of infertility among modern couples has increased significantly. This has caused most young families to turn to fertilityinduced reproduction. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive for more than a year of unprotected intercourse. Induced…

  • Deserts of the United States. Reproductive Ecology

    Table of Contents Introduction The Great Basin Desert The Mojave Desert The Sonoran Desert The Chihuahuan Desert Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Deserts make up close to a fifth of the earths surface, and they occur in areas where the annual rainfall is below 50cm. Most of these deserts, such as the Sahara of North Africa,…

  • Student Misconceptions Regarding Reproduction and Heredity

    Strategies to elicit student misconceptions Students often have misconceptions regarding the principles of reproduction and heredity. To elicit these misconceptions and develop strategies to overcome them, it is necessary to encourage the students participation in discussions. Furthermore, a teacher can receive important information regarding possible mistakes and wrong ideas while asking students about their visions…