Category: Role of Media

  • Turkey Protest and Role of Media: Critical Analysis

    Abstract This article will cover the story of Turkish people who did protests in 2013 and also describe the major role of media in it. The media is playing a vital role to spread any news that ever happened in entire world. Nowadays, the people are well educated about the world circumstances, every sites and…

  • Role of Media in Strengthen Social Movement: Analytical Essay

    To have a better understanding about this topic, we need to analyze the definition of new technology. New technology can be defined as any set of productive techniques which can offer significant improvement in many aspects of life especially in a globalize era where the dependency of new technology is much more important and needed…

  • Role of Media in Pakistan: Analytical Essay

    The most important question nowadays is what is the Role Of Media In Pakistan Essay Positive, Negative? The role of media in every country is very much significant and crucial because it is the one who is responsible to create a good image or even destroy the created image in the country as well as…

  • The Role and Importance of Social Media in Todays Generation

    Social media plays a vital role in our generation’s growth. It is an essential aspect of our daily lives today as people gain knowledge and skills that brighten their lives worldwide. Today so many activities, especially communication, have been taken to a better level through improved social media and social networking. The tremendous benefit has…

  • Role of Social Media in Enhancing the Social Movements

    ABSTRACT In todays digital world, one just have to get connected with internet to get a bunch of information in their hands. With the developments of new communication technologies, people have experienced a big transformation in communicating and sharing the information in their daily and social life. This sharing of information over social media platforms…

  • The Role of Twitter as a Social Media

    Mental health is a vital part of human life for it includes the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of individuals. However, in todays society, not everyone is aware of its significance and how it affects a person in dealing with the everyday demands of life which can make people with mental health issues suffer more.…

  • The Role of Media Channels in Developing Destination Image

    Impact of Television on Destination Image There are several ways in which a destination image can be viewed on TV. It can be viewed in a movie or TV advertisement. It can also be seen on news casts. All in all, these viewings can alter the viewers perception of a particular place or destination image.…

  • The Role of Communication in Media Management

    The role of communication in media management is to accomplish the goals of an organization. Media management is an area of business that deals with the supervision of media specialists, productions, and other channels. As managers, we must define what needs to be completed, when it will be completed, and how it will be completed.…

  • The Role of Mass Media in the Modern Democracy

    Media is one of the tools or channels of communication used to store and convey information or data from one source to the other. In the modern democracy, media play important functions. Mass media is considered essential in the modern democracy. When the media is given freedom of expression by the government. Madison argues that…

  • The Role of the Media in Crime Perception

    Broadcast media has become a major vessel for imparting information as nearly sixty percent of Americans use it as their primary source. Since the 1970s criminologists and sociologists have measured the effects of crime on viewers tenets. Several studies have been done that show that increased viewership of crime instills fear, stereotypes and bias. (Alitavoli…