Category: Sexual Harassment

  • Workplace Harassment

    The workplace is a network of people that all have different personalities and understanding of ethics. Some employees might behave and feel strongly about others and their actions, whereas individual people can be working alone without paying much attention to anyone else. Workplace harassment can be on many basesgender, racial and sexual, which are all…

  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Complaint Procedure

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction Sexual harassment refers to a form of discrimination that is directed towards a person because of his or her sex i.e. being a male or female. This form of discrimination is a serious manifestation of the power differences that exists between the person who experiences harassment and…

  • Defining Workplace Harassment and Its Harmful Effects

    What did you learn about workplace harassment that impacted you to know? Workplace harassment can take many forms but is always discriminatory and harmful. Abusive behavior results in adverse effects for companies, affecting productivity, morale, and turnover rates, and employees, impacting their physical and mental health (Bader et al., 2018). Therefore, imposing sanctions against harassers…

  • Harassment Types in Business

    Table of Contents Introduction Race harassment Sexual harassment Religious harassment Harassment due to disability Conclusion Works cited Introduction There has been the existence of laws related to business harassment that was enacted a long period ago. Employers and managers recognize that it is of paramount importance to reduce risks related to harassment litigation. Despite this,…

  • Sexual Harassment Education for Managers

    Sexual harassment has become a prevalent and important issue in the workplace. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, the conduct of a sexual nature, or solicitation of sexual favors that are inappropriate, intimidating, or make the victim feel uncomfortable. There is a broad range of examples for sexual harassment, ranging from physical touching to…

  • Workplace Harassment and Preventive Measures

    Table of Contents Pedagogical Approach Legal Side of Harassment Raising Awareness Contact Person Comprehensive Approach Equality Defining Harassment Andragogical Approach References Physical and emotional injuries may be caused to an employee or a customer based on the harassment behavior. The physical injuries can include those in the genital areas or all over the body. There…

  • Sexual Harassment at the Uber Company

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Cox and Blakes Business Case Legal Protection of Whistleblowing Sexual Harassment Prevention Legally Classified vs. Independent Contractors Conclusion References Introduction Sexual harassment at the workplace is a serious issue that might impact a persons well-being, his/her performance, and chances for a successful career. It can also be viewed as one…

  • Sexual Harassment in Workplace Consequences

    Sexual harassment has negative effects on organizations as well as individuals especially the victims. For this reason, effective manager fulfills their legal responsibility and ethical obligation in the protection of employees from hostile working environments. Sexual harassment is a threat to organizations and individuals because, it entails power, as individuals manipulate and control others (Greenberg…

  • Sexual Harassment Problem Analysis

    Nowadays, sexual harassment is a burning issue, and it is largely discussed in society. As far as I understand it, sexual harassment is a type of inappropriate behavior in society, when a person gives someone hints with a sexual overtone or expresses their sexual desires explicitly. Gutek (2015) defines sexual harassment as unwelcome verbal or…

  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Case Study

    Workplace sexual harassment is a safety issue because it leads to lasting mental and physical health problems. For example, women who have been victims of sexual harassment at their place of work have a higher likelihood of developing high blood pressure, which exposes them to the risk of heart attack, kidney disease, and stroke (Beaulieu,…