Category: Society

  • To Kill a Mockingbird: The Loss of Innocence

    Psychologist Deborah Tannen once said: We all know we are unique individuals, but we tend to see others as representatives of groups. She also added that it is in our nature to do this, and from what she had said it can be concluded that this function in the human brain makes them more efficient…

  • The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Should Society Censor The N Word From Its Vocabulary?

    The use of the controversial N-Word tends to strike a chord for many Americans. Some recognize the N-Word as an unmentionable term and a purely racial slur. In fact, they believe the N-Word should be completely redacted from all features of society. However, the N-Word is still a significant part of American history and one…

  • The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Should Society Censor The N Word From Its Vocabulary?

    The use of the controversial N-Word tends to strike a chord for many Americans. Some recognize the N-Word as an unmentionable term and a purely racial slur. In fact, they believe the N-Word should be completely redacted from all features of society. However, the N-Word is still a significant part of American history and one…

  • Epitome of a Perfect Society

    Utopia is a satire that was written by Sir Thomas More. Utopia consisted of two parts: A book one and a book two. Book one was about a journey taken by Thomas More where he is traveling through cities and meets up with an old friend named Peter Giles, whom then introduces Thomas More to…

  • Attitude of Society to Vampires: Discursive Essay

    Vampires have been around for generations that there are a variety of forms of these immortal creatures with each culture having their own version. In the past, vampires have reflected the fear and things perceived as taboo in those cultures. Originally, vampires were first known to be savages and blood-thirsty. They were also representation of…

  • Importance of Theatre in Society

    Theatre as a Mirror of Human Existence and Its Evolution A drama is considered to be all-inclusive. It embraces all types of topics and represents all kinds of natures, as it is intended for all classes of people. Thus, it is a mirror of human existence intended to be presented on the stage. But as…

  • Epitome of a Perfect Society

    Utopia is a satire that was written by Sir Thomas More. Utopia consisted of two parts: A book one and a book two. Book one was about a journey taken by Thomas More where he is traveling through cities and meets up with an old friend named Peter Giles, whom then introduces Thomas More to…

  • The Features Of Utopian Society

    Introduction to Utopian Societies in Literature Utopia is an imaginary world of ideal perfection (‘Utopia Definition’). This definition portrays the societies created by the two authors Ursula Le Guin and N.K Jemisin in ‘The ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’ and ‘The Ones Who Stay and Fight’ respectively. Le Guin portrays a utopia made possible…

  • The Adventure Of Huckleberry Finn: The Criticism Of Society

    Humans live in a world where you are stereotyped just by the way you walk. Humans live in a world where you are silenced by having opinions. Humans live in a world where you are called names because of your skin color. Humans live in a world where society follows what the leader does. In…

  • American Political Thought: Spread of Transcendentalism in Early American Society

    The three readings that I selected for my response paper are documents that strongly influenced early American politics. After reading the articles, it is evident that the policies and ideologies discussed not only impacted the time period in which they were written, but current political institutions. The first reading The American Democrat by James Fenimore…