Category: Success

  • Can Future Success in a Skill Be Predicted?

    Generalization today is one of the most frequently discussed issues. Developing stereotypes is a form of judging that is typical for our way of thinking as humans. This ability helped the humanity survive till present days. In ancient times, judgment and stereotypes were one of the major helpers of people. A caveman saw a lion…

  • Marital Success and Satisfaction and Their Factors

    Most of young adults prefer their relationships to result in marriage. However, marital quality and satisfaction depend on various factors that appear at the time of marriage and determine its future. For the best marriage outcomes, a newly engaged couple should consider these factors and how to deal with them. In this paper, the factors…

  • How Success or Talent Is Really the Outcome of Hard Work

    Greatness is not determined by an individuals natural talent or inborn intelligence. According to Geoffrey Colvin, the author of What It Takes to Be Great, success is a product of two fundamental ingredients: demanding and painful practice and hard work. Through the article, Colvin tries to debunk the myth that greatness is a preserve for…

  • Jabares Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors

    Successful entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry are pretty famous and well-known; however, some achieved the same goals yet havent been recognized as others. In India, for instance, it has been challenging to sustain the tourism and hospitality industry during the pandemic. Major financial issues have become the reason for the industry to be held back…

  • Readings That Are Necessary to Obtain Academic Success

    It is a simple fact that any student who wants to succeed in their studies must dedicate themselves to reading. Oftentimes, these readings are dry and tedious, and many struggle in an attempt to finish them. However, some texts found in a curriculum or related to it somehow can become significant for one in a…

  • Defining Success: The Concept and Its Definitions

    Success can be defined as an accomplishment of a set goal or purpose. There is another definition of the word as the meaning varies from one individual to another. Several people tend to measure it based on generally what one owns. There are always no secrets to achieving ones goals, but it all involves enough…

  • Success Factors for Hosting Mega-Events

    The first success factor for the mega-event that contributes to both economy and tourism is repositioning by employing innovations. By utilizing the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo to promote its new technologies, Japan established an image of a leader and proceeded to host mega-events (Dubinsky, 2019). Japan was able to gain recognition as an industrialized…

  • Hard Work as a Guarantee of Success

    Introduction Hope for the best helps a person to survive, to fight for his life and happiness, no matter how terrible and difficult his life circumstances may be. Having lost hope, a person actually signs a sentence for themselves before fate does. Meanwhile, everything can change dramatically at any moment, but one still needs to…

  • Hunt a Killer Game and Reasons for Its Success

    One of the best examples of golden opportunities that imply the infrequent occasions and several opportunity windows simultaneous opening when a company creates substantial value disproportionate to invested resources is a Hunt A Killer game ( Introduced in Baltimore in 2016, this game was expected to revolutionize the industry of entertainment by offering an alternative…

  • The Success Story of Whatsapp

    I would turn to the success story of WhatsApp to hook up with the audience. The popular communication app that was downloaded more than 70 million times in 2019 was created and developed using a limited amount of money (Statista, 2019). New digital solutions require prominent ideas and concepts and people who are capable of…